Calculate mpileup of BED positions, without going through entire BAM file (as forced by samtools mpileup). Uses the samtools mpileup -r <region> for each entry, which is able to utilize the index of BAM files.
To run the programs, Biopython is needed.
a) Either install globally on machine:
pip install Biopython
b) or create a virtualenv:
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install Biopython
perl -bam <input BAM> -o <output mpileup> -b <input bed> -f <input genome fasta>
-bam input BAM file (indexed)
-o output mpileup file
-f genome fasta file
-b bed coordinated to perform mpileup
Additional parameters:
-e +/- bases to extend bed coordinates (default: 0)
Processing BAM file (size ~2.5Gb) Number of entries: ~16,000
quick_mpileup: 6min 5sec samtools mpileup (no reference): 1min samtools mpileup (with ref):