Yet another yet another chip8 rust emulator
that I created for fun,
because there aren't enough of them already. Well to be precise I used
the word emulator
because it's a popular thing in the EmuDev
community but it's an interpreter since a CHIP-8 CPU doesn't exist. If
you're writing a CHIP-8 interpreter on your own this project might be
useful for you to compare it with your implementation when you will
come across a bug or something, especially since I put some focus on
having a good disassembly, debugger, etc.
- A simple debugger
- Disassembler
- Speedhacks
- Quirks implementation
- "Time travel" through snapshots
Compile and run with the following command:
cargo run --bin emulator -- --file some_game_path --debug-mode
There's also a disassembler that you can compile with:
cargo rustc --bin disassembler
To see all the possible arguments add --help
to the end.
The keyboard mapping is hardcoded in the code:
let keyboard_key_chip8_key_pairs = [
(KeyCode::Key1, 0x1),
(KeyCode::Key2, 0x2),
(KeyCode::Key3, 0x3),
(KeyCode::Key4, 0xc),
(KeyCode::Q, 0x4),
(KeyCode::W, 0x5),
(KeyCode::E, 0x6),
(KeyCode::R, 0xd),
(KeyCode::A, 0x7),
(KeyCode::S, 0x8),
(KeyCode::D, 0x9),
(KeyCode::F, 0xe),
(KeyCode::Z, 0xa),
(KeyCode::X, 0x0),
(KeyCode::C, 0xb),
(KeyCode::V, 0xf),
- Display time quirk is not implemented yet