This is a Java Project which will display contents of the Apple Education Store.
This is a College Project for Object Oriented Programming with Java
Course Code: IS4C04
Course Instructor: Mr. Suhaas KP, Assistant Professor, Department of Information Science and Engineering, The National Institute Of Engineering, Mysuru 570008
TOPIC: Apple Education Store Catalogue
AIM: To provide users with the contents of the products available in the Apple Education store at student discounts and to redirect them to the link where they can buy the product directly from Apple Inc.
Project Demo is available at ->
Concepts Illustrated:
- Abstraction- Classes.
- Scope and Lifetime of variables.
- Declaring objects.
- Instance Variables of different data types.
- Constructors/Methods.
- 'this' keyword.
- Inheritance.
- Overloading (Constructors)
- Overriding.
- Objects as parameters.
- Access control mechanism.
- Use of 'super'.
- Packages.
- Interfaces.
- Exception Handling.
- Creation of thread to execute a certain process.
- Few string handling mechanisms.
- Usage of URI.
The program is divided into two files in two packages in order to illustrate the concept of Packages in Java.
Project Conclusion: This project successfully completes its 2 primary objectives 1. Displays contents of Apple Education store. 2. Redirects users to the link where they can buy the product directly from Apple Inc.