electronic health records on blockchain
Note: Demo url to work you need to have metamask extension installed in your browser and to buy fake tickets you need to have fake ethers from rinkeby faceut.
Project stores patient records on blockchain(hybrid). Hybrid because files are not stored on blockchain, but access information is stored on blockchain. There will be two participants doctor and patient.
- Doctor register by providing name.
- Patient register by providing name and age.
- Patient uploads files and provides random nounce to encrypt the file, file will be uploaded to IPFS and secret is stored in ethereum.
- Patient provides access to particular doctor.
- Once doctor is given access by patient, he will be able to see patient's address in his home page.
- Doctor can get all files ipfs hash of patient and send request to node app for file view.
- Node app will fetch file from ipfs and get secret from blockchain, decrypt file and send it to doctor.
Code has been tested only with ganache, not with any testnet.
HTTP_PROVIDER = provider url ex:
IPFS_HOST = currently infura (can be changed to local node as well)
1. Start Ganache
Contract can be deployed to any network, In my case ganache.
Update CONTRACT_DEPLOYED_PORT in env, which can be found in build -> contracts -> HealthCare.json -> "networks".
2. Start react server
npm run start
visit http://localhost:3000
3. Start node app
npm run server
4. Connect metamask to ganache and Import ganache accounts to metamask
ex: http://localhost:7545
High Level Use Case
User should sign challenge to login, after which jwt token will be issued
Upload Files
Here we have two layer of security
- hash provided by ipfs(ie. files can be accessed only if file hash is known)
- file uploaded to ipfs is encrypted by secret (however secret is not encrypted in ethereum, should be done in future)
Access Files
- Test cases, Currently deployment and registation tests has been written.
- Encrypt file secret while saving on ethereum (can be encrypted or NuCypher etc)