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Security and User Management

Prasath Mani edited this page Dec 2, 2022 · 4 revisions

Grant privileges to wanted users only

Since the TinyFileManager is able to manipulate files on your server, it is necessary to secure safely your application.


Default username/password:

  • admin/admin@123
  • user/12345

Warning: Please set your own username and password in $auth_users before use. password is encrypted with password_hash(). to generate new password hash here

To enable/disable authentication set $use_auth to true or false.

// Auth with login/password 
// set true/false to enable/disable it
// Is independent from IP white- and blacklisting
$use_auth = true;

// Login user name and password
// Users: array('Username' => 'Password', 'Username2' => 'Password2', ...)
// Generate secure password hash -
$auth_users = array(
    'admin' => '$2y$10$/K.hjNr84lLNDt8fTXjoI.DBp6PpeyoJ.mGwrrLuCZfAwfSAGqhOW', //admin@123
    'user' => '$2y$10$Fg6Dz8oH9fPoZ2jJan5tZuv6Z4Kp7avtQ9bDfrdRntXtPeiMAZyGO', //12345
    'guest' => '$2y$10$a.DMI5sRjAnvhb.8rFAXY.XPSEO/eatVb4qCMmTc2YcxTDKp9xMyC' //guest


Password is encrypted with password_hash(). to generate new password hash here

If not able to generate password or facing any issue, than generate password using tinyfilemanager itsef on tinyfilemanager > Help > Generate new password hash or alternative password generator here

or you can use directly set password hash using password_hash() method

$auth_users = array(
    'username' => password_hash('password here', PASSWORD_DEFAULT)

Readonly users

Set user role as readonly permission and thay don't have permission to create, edit, delete and upload files

// Readonly users 
// e.g. array('users', 'guest', ...)
$readonly_users = array(

User Specific Directories

Since users can upload, download, delete and change permissions on most files in the directories they have access to, it is often necessary to create an specific directories that is limited in which directories it can access. That way you can give an user access to one part of a Directory.

Limited access users can also be useful if you want to make it possible for someone to upload files, but you don’t necessarily want to give them access to the entire directory.

// user specific directories
// array('Username' => 'Directory path', 'Username2' => 'Directory path', ...)
$directories_users = array(
    'user' => 'root/user-folder',
    'guest' => 'root/guest/temp'