A sample code for Node.JS Vault by Hashicorp involving Username and Password based Authentication. This ensures that all data is securely stored behind username-password based authentication.
In case a user, has no desire to store Secrets on the Vault, this code can also be used for User Authentication as well.
For further details regarding Password Based Auth, check out https://learn.hashicorp.com/vault/secrets-management/sm-static-secrets
This code also tries to ensure that One User cannot access data of another user present in the Vault.
Install with
npm i node-vault-user-pass
// process.env.DEBUG = 'node-vault'; // switch on debug mode
const { VaultAccess } = require("node-vault-user-pass");
const Vault = new VaultAccess({
Authority: ["create", "read", "update", "delete", "list", "sudo"],
Path: "path",
Policy: "auth_policy",
EndPoint: "http://localhost:8200",
UserName: "username",
SecretMountPoint: "secret_zone",
// Either Set this in Command Line as an Environment Variable
// Use set VAULT_TOKEN or export VAULT_TOKEN depending
// upon your OS
// Or Provide it as String Here
// This must be a Root Token
// Or a token with substantial access
Token: String(process.env.VAULT_TOKEN),
// Yet to be Implemented
CertificateMountPoint: "certificate"
async function run() {
// In Order to run Setup, the user needs Root Token
await Vault.Setup();
await Vault.#("password" /*'username'*/);
console.log("# Successfull");
await Vault.SignIn("password" /*'username'*/);
console.log("# Successfull");
const value = {
foo: "3",
bar: "4"
await Vault.Write("key", value);
console.log("Wrote Value", value, "successfully");
const val = await Vault.Read("key");
console.log("Read value is ", val);
// Unmount is an admin action
// As such, the user needs Root Token
// Or At least access to /sys/mount provided
await Vault.Unmount();
run().then(() => {
- To Ensure Secured Access to data
- To Ensure Secured Storage of Data
- This Project was mostly born out of a linkage with A Blockchain Based project where we needed to store Public and Private Keys in a secure manner
- node-vault Library for API Calls to Vault
You can run Vault via Docker. I have created a simple script to run Vault with Docker.
You could contact me via LinkedIn You could file issues or add features via Pull Requests on GitHub