libraryDependencies += "com.precog" %% "quasar-datasource-kafka" % <version>
The configuration of the Kafka Datasource has the following JSON format:
"bootstrapServers": Array of Strings "host:port",
"groupId": String,
"topics": Array of Strings,
"decoder": < "RawKey" | "RawValue" >,
"format": {
"type": "json" | "separated-values"
// for "json"
"precise": Boolean,
"variant" "array-wrapped" | "line-delimited"
// for "separated-values", all strings must be one symbol length
"header": Boolean,
// The first char of row break
"row1": String,
// The second char of row break, empty string if row break has only one symbol
"row2": String,
// Column separator (char)
"record": String,
"openQuote": String,
"closeQuote": String,
"escape": String
[, "compressionScheme": "gzip"]
[, "tunnelConfig": {
host: String,
port: Int,
auth: <PASS>
is an Array of Strings of the form "host:port"groupId
is the Kafka group idtopics
are the Kafka topics to connect todecoder
indicates if the key ("RawKey"
) or value ("RawValue"
) of the Kafka object should be decodedauth
is of the form{ "password": String }
|{ "key": String, "passphrase": String }
is content of private key file for ssh tunneling
Example configuration
"bootstrapServers": [ "localhost:9092" ],
"groupId": "precog",
"topics": [ "topic" ],
"decoder": "RawValue",
"format": {
"type": "json",
"variant": "line-delimited",
"precise": false
"tunnelConfig": {
host: "host_name",
port: 22222,
auth: { "password": "my_secret_password" }
The simplest way to test is using Nix system and run subset of .travis.yml
. One time only, generate an ssh key:
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -N "passphrase" -f key_for_docker
Then, when you want to test, run this:
$ docker swarm init
$ docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml teststack
$ it/scripts/
It starts multiple containers:
- sshd with
ssh port; - kafka_local a self-contained zookeeper and kafka server, advertising "localhost" as broken name and exposing port 9092 for non-tunneled integration testing;
- kafka_ssh a self-contained zookeeper and kafka server.
You can stop it afterwards with
$ docker stack rm teststack
$ docker swarm leave --force # Or keep it running if you are going to update the stack