This is uim (input method) control script for Vim with imactivefunc/imstatusfunc.
This vim script and c source files based on uim-ctl and uim-ctlso.
- Download
$ cd ~/.vim/bundle $ git clone
* Customize for IM Engine of your environment.
You can change the followings tow macro in `plugin/uim-ctl.c`.
* Default action-name for mozc
#define ACTION_HIRAGANA "action_mozc_hiragana"
#define ACTION_DIRECT "action_mozc_direct"
- Build
$ cd ~/.vim/bundle/vim-uim-ctl-imaf.vim $ make
* Rename dll name
If you want to rename for other environment, you can set shared object name to g:uim_ctl_dll.
* rename
$ mv plugin/ plugin/
# or
$ mv plugin/ plugin/
# you can confirm your uim version by "uim-fep -v" or "uim-sh --version".
- set shared object name to g:uim_ctl_dll in .vimrc
let s:uim_version = matchstr(system('uim-sh --version'), '\d.\d') let g:uim_ctl_dll = "" . s:uim_version
* Vundle and others.
Bundle 'presuku/vim-uim-ctl-imaf.vim'
" or
Plugin 'presuku/vim-uim-ctl-imaf.vim'
" or
NeoBundle 'presuku/vim-uim-ctl-imaf.vim'
All scripts are distributed under one of the Vim, MIT or BSD licenses.