A cross platform NodeJS REPL application based on electron and react frameworks.

- Syntax Highlighting
- Dark and light themes
- Load and save session history
- Separate console window for async stdout/stderr logs
- Notification for async console logs
- console output filter support
- Traversable output with fold/unfold options
- Support for adding directory to node path
- Expand/Collapse/reload command options
- History traversal support
- Multiple window
- Multiline prompt support with shift + enter
- Auto suggestion
- Tab completion
- Code format support
- Support to toggle REPL mode
- Preferences for theme and REPL mode
- Download npm modules on demand
- Babel support
- await with auto async wrapper
- Data visualization support
- Integer representation (bin/oct/dec/hex and signed/unsigned)
- Regular expression live editor
- Buffer explorer
- HTML view
- CSS color view
- base64 detection
- Basic chart representation of data
- Image detection / display
- Download buffers support
- Support to break long lasting commands
- Preference window
- Promise output tracking
- Source file open support for node modules(
.source name
) - No special meaning for
- Syntax highlight as we type
For more detailed documentation, read here
wiki page has documentation for new features.
npm install -g mancy
(or)- Download from latest release (or)
- Clone and run
npm install
&npm run package
. Executable file will be created inside./dist/
directory. - To build native modules, make sure
>=4.x andnpm
>= 3.x installed. - Refer node-gyp for native module build failure.
Fork and run npm run debug
or gulp debug
to debug this application.
Subscribe this thread for new features and release notification.
Find consolidated ideas and suggestions here.