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GraphQL Platform is an OpenCRUD implementation

This @prismamedia/graphql-platform aims to provide a complete and flexible GraphQL implementation of the OpenCRUD specification. Given a set of nodes' definition, it will generate an executable GraphQL schema made easy to expose through an Apollo Server.

Build status


  • NodeJS >=22.11
  • GraphQL >=16


with npm

npm install --save @prismamedia/graphql-platform @prismamedia/graphql-platform-connector-mariadb

or with yarn

yarn add @prismamedia/graphql-platform @prismamedia/graphql-platform-connector-mariadb


import {
} from '@prismamedia/graphql-platform';
import { MariaDBConnector } from '@prismamedia/graphql-platform-connector-mariadb';
import { randomUUID } from 'node:crypto';

export const ArticleStatusType = new GraphQLEnumType({
  name: 'ArticleStatus',
  values: {
    DRAFT: { value: 'draft' },
    PUBLISHED: { value: 'published' },

export type MyUser = {
  id: string;
  name: string;
  role?: 'ADMIN' | 'JOURNALIST';

export type MyContext = {
  user?: MyUser;

const gp = new GraphQLPlatform<MyContext>({
  nodes: {
    Article: {
      authorization({ user }, mutationType) {
        if (user) {
          switch (user.role) {
            case 'ADMIN':
              // They can do as they please
              return true;

            case 'JOURNALIST':
              return mutationType
                ? mutationType === utils.MutationType.CREATION
                  ? // They can "create" new articles
                  : mutationType === utils.MutationType.UPDATE
                    ? // They can "update" the articles they have created
                      { createdBy: { id: } }
                    : // They cannot "delete" articles
                : // They can "query" all the articles

              // The authenticated users can "query" the published articles but cannot mutate anything
              return mutationType ? false : { status: 'published' };

        // Un-authenticated users cannot access articles at all
        return false;

      components: {
        id: {
          type: 'UUIDv4',
          description: 'This UUID identifies an Article publicly',
          nullable: false,
          mutable: false,

          creation: { defaultValue: () => randomUUID() },
        status: {
          type: ArticleStatusType,
          nullable: false,

          creation: { defaultValue: ArticleStatus.DRAFT },
        title: {
          type: 'NonEmptyTrimmedString',
          nullable: false,
        category: {
          kind: 'Edge',
          head: 'Category',
          onHeadDeletion: OnEdgeHeadDeletion.SET_NULL,
        createdBy: {
          kind: 'Edge',
          head: 'Author',
          nullable: false,
          mutable: false,

          creation: {
            public: false,
      uniques: [['id']],
    Category: {
      components: {
        id: {
          type: 'UUIDv4',
          description: 'This UUID identifies a Category publicly',
          nullable: false,
          mutable: false,

          creation: { defaultValue: () => randomUUID() },
        title: {
          kind: 'Leaf',
          type: 'NonEmptyTrimmedString',
          nullable: false,
      uniques: [['id']],
    Author: {
      components: {
        id: {
          type: 'UUIDv4',
          description: 'This UUID identifies an Author publicly',
          nullable: false,
          mutable: false,

          creation: { defaultValue: () => randomUUID() },
        name: {
          kind: 'Leaf',
          type: 'NonEmptyTrimmedString',
          nullable: false,
      uniques: [['id']],

  connector: (gp) => new MariaDBConnector(gp),

Expose it through Apollo Server

Given the gp instance above:

import { ApolloServerIntegration } from '@prismamedia/graphql-platform-integration-apollo-server';

// `server` is an Apollo Server instance
const server = new ApolloServerIntegration(gp);

// you can now expose it as you wish, AWS Lambda, ExpressJS, ...