Simple and lightweight event sourcing library with out of the box support for ProophEventStore
This library will receive support until December 31, 2019 and will then be deprecated.
For further information see the official announcement here:
You can install ProophEventSourcing via composer by adding "prooph/event-sourcing": "^5.0"
as requirement to your composer.json.
Our quickstart should give you a starting point. It's a very small domain but shows you the useage of ProophEventSourcing and the integration with ProophEventStore.
ProophEventSourcing ships with a ProophEventStore AggregateTranslator to connect the store with the bundled AggregateRoot.
- Ask questions on Stack Overflow tagged with #prooph.
- File issues at
- Say hello in the prooph gitter chat.
- Uuids of the AggregateChangedEvents are generated with ramsey/uuid
- Assertions are performed by beberlei/assert