grlib-gpl-2020.2-b4254 Original download and GRLIB from Gaisler research
The purpose is to add support for the LEON3 / LEON5 / NOELV in relative inexpensive hardware. The aim is to target setups that cost less then 100 € , and contain at least on CPU core and some basic peripherals. In addition an attempt is made to make use of common hardware. A normal laptop , running windows and two USB ports, should be sufficient.
The DE10 nano specifications can be found on the website A common usb<>serial board is added to support the debug interface.
Full tech support has been added for the cyclone 5 device. Design is based on the LEON3 minimal design. Overview
Full tech support has been added for the cyclone 5 device. Design is based on the LEON5 - KC705 design Overview
Full tech support has been added for the cyclone 5 device. Some libraries are modiefied to support quartus tools. Design is based on the LEON5 - VC707 design Overview
The DE0 nano specifications can be found on the website A common usb<>serial board is added to support the debug interface.
The existing design was updated to use the serial debug link, such that more recent versions of the quartus tool can be used. Overview
TBD - the cpu is likely to large to fit the FPGA
TBD - the cpu is likely to large to fit the FPGA