Schedule DropParties on your server with this PocketMine Plugin! Simply setup the config.yml and enjoy automatic DropParties on your server!
It has come to our attention that various users have been posting videos and monetizing download links to our plugins, If you are doing that, kindly fuck off.
# The world for the items to spawn the drop party in.
World: world
# Time before drop party starts in minutes
Time: 1
# Duration of the drop party in seconds
Duration: 60
# Messages.
Started: §a[§6Drop§bParty§a] §dHas started! Do /spawn to get the items at the §5DropParty
Ended: §a[§6Drop§bParty§a] §dHas ended! Good game all.
Countdown: §a[§6Drop§bParty§a] §dis starting in §5{time} §dminutes.
# Broadcast: "Coming soon." this will break since the task can not handle without another rewrite.
# Popups creates a popup above the xp bar
Enabled: true
Message: §a[§6Drop§bParty§a] §dItems are dropping! §5Do /spawn to get those items!
# Coordinates for it to spawn at
X: 0
<<<<<<< HEAD
Y: 80
Y: 70
>>>>>>> be52d3decfce114ebd85bee14bd38ed0a6694cb2
Z: 0
# Items to spawn in the drop party.
# TODO PiggyCustomEnchants support.
- 57
- 42
- 22
- 41
You will need to generate a new config if you are running 1.0.4 or 1.0.5 2.0.0 config will not have backward compatibility with 1.0.x