nem2-sdk-go is a Golang client library for Catapult API
import ""
Create a Catapult network configuration
Using the Testnet network
conf, err := sdk.NewConfig("http://localhost:3000",sdk.Testnet)
Or using the Mainnet network
conf, err := sdk.NewConfig("http://localhost:3000",sdk.Mainnet)
Construct a new Catapult client
client := sdk.NewClient(nil, conf)
Using the client to call a method from a Service API
// Get the chain height
chainHeight, err := client.Blockchain.GetChainHeight(context.Background())
A Context type is the first argument in any service method for specifying deadlines, cancelation signals, and other request-scoped values
// Get the chain height
chainHeight, err := client.Blockchain.GetChainHeight(context.Background())
Examples are in the examples
For more examples, go to our wiki
We'd love to get more people involved in the project. Please feel free to raise any issues or PR and we'll review your contribution.
Copyright (c) 2018 ProximaX Limited