Goal of this academic project is to implement the Image compression using SVD and Dimensionality reduction of any dataset using PCA.
• Data should be placed in the data folder and all the generated outputs will also store in the data folder.
• Conversion from ascii-binary-ascii and Image compression using SVD and Error calculations are coded in Java.
• Java files used - SVD.java, Utils.java and DecomposeMatrix.java.
• SVD is our main java class which separates the given tasks.
• Decompose Matrix class in DecomposeMatrix.java file decomposes the given matrix into U,S,VT and saves the header.txt and SVD.txt.
• Utils.java file has the few methods like saveCompressedFileToBin, readCompressedBin, convertFloatToHalfPrecision.
• Note -- PGM file should not have comment line.
• jblas.jar is a matrix library for Java