This tool allows you to browse and transfer files to and from PFS filesystems using the command line. This tool is useful for transferring configuration and media files used by programs such as Open PS2 Loader and SMS.
Binaries for Win32 are available here: To start the program, provide the path to it on the command line:
You will get a prompt similar to the following:
To get a list of commands, type in the following:
> help
To select a device which can be a disk image or block device, type in the following:
> device /path/to/device
On the Windows systems, the block devices can be used by using the UNC path. To get the UNC path, use this command:
wmic diskdrive get Caption,DeviceID,InterfaceType
Once a device is selected, the prompt will change to the following:
To mount a partition (for example, the +OPL
partition), type in the following:
# mount +OPL
The prompt will change to the following:
To get a list of files or partitions, type in the following:
+OPL:/# ls
+OPL:/# ls -l
To transfer a file from the current directory of the PFS partition to the current directory of the process, type in the following:
+OPL:/# get example.txt
To transfer a file from the current directory of the process to the current directory of the PFS partition, type in the following:
+OPL:/# put example.txt
Once you are finished looking around in the partition, type in the following:
+OPL:/# umount
Once you are finished with the program, type in the following:
# exit
Commands marked with DESTRUCTIVE could potentially wipe or remove important information. Remember to make backups if using these commands.
Device Selection & Initialization
lcd [path] - print/change the local working directory
device <device> - select the PS2 HDD device
initialize - blank and create a partition on a PS2 HDD device (DESTRUCTIVE)
Partition Editing
ls - list partitions (only when no partition mounted)
mkpart <part_name> <size> - create a new partition (IMPORTANT size must be power of 2)
mkfs <part_name> - blank and create PFS on a new partition (DESTRUCTIVE)
mount <part_name> - mount a partition
unmount - unmount the active partition
rmpart <part_name> - remove a partition (DESTRUCTIVE)
File & Folder Editing
pwd - print the current PS2 HDD directory
ls - list folders/files (only when partition mounted)
cd <dir_name> - change directory
mkdir <dir_name> - create a new directory
rmdir <dir_name> - delete an existing directory
pwd - print the current PS2 HDD directory
get <file_name> - copy a file from PS2 HDD to the working directory
put <file_name> - copy a file from the working directory to the PS2 HDD
rm <file_name> - delete a file
rename <curr_name> <new_name> - rename a file or directory
provides an ability to mount partition into host filesystem (like network folder).
supports physically connected drives, raw drive images as regular files, and an NBD network server from OPL.
Your system has to support fuse. For example, in the Linux fuse
package should be installed, on the MacOS macfuse
can be used.
The Unix users can use the following command for mounting the partition:
mkdir -p mountpoint
pfsfuse --partition=+OPL /path/to/device mountpoint/
df -h mountpoint/ # will show information about free space
is accessible like a normal folder. Once you are finished looking around in the partition, type in the following:
umount mountpoint
Note: for full access without root, use the argument -o allow_other
when mounting.
Windows port uses Dokan FUSE wrapper implementation as a base. Before using pfsfuse
on Windows you should install Dokany. Installation instructions. After successful installation, you can use pfsfuse
by pasting command in command line (CMD) or PowerShell with elevated privileges (run as administrator):
pfsfuse.exe --partition=+OPL \\.\PHYSICALDRIVE2 M -o volname=+OPL
pfsfuse.exe --partition=+OPL D:\ps2image.bin M -o volname=+OPL
Where M
- is drive letter (please choose unused driver letter). -o volname=+OPL
- will be volume name in File Explorer.
For unmounting, please locate dokanctl.exe and launch the following command in the elevated command prompt:
dokanctl.exe /u M
Where M
- is mounted point drive letter.
The latest Open PS2 Loader revisions have a built-in NBD server. pfsshell/pfsfuse
have full support for an NBD block device, once an NBD server is mounted in the host filesystem.
This project can be built by using the Meson build system. For more information about the system, please visit the following location:
The original project was created by Wizard of Oz. More information about the original project can be found at the following location:
This project as a whole is licensed under the GNU General Public License GPL
version 2. Please read the COPYING
file for more information.
The APA, PFS, and iomanX libraries are licensed under The Academic Free
License version 2. Please read the COPYING.AFLv2
file for more information.