I am Ali Erdem, who is 4th grade student and devops engineer
- 🌱 i’m currently learning devops
- 👯 i’m looking to collaborate on devops
- 🤔 i’m looking for help with devops
- ⚡ fun fact: i love playing video games.
projects | language | |
wordle clone | swift | a wordle clone app |
meditself | swift | an app where you can meditate and relax |
weather-app | swift | pretty ui weather app |
smarcera | swift | a camera that shows what it sees, done with coreml |
passrator | swift | a password generator |
planliatic | swift | to-do app to plan your day |
focs-on | swift | a timer app to boost your focus |
budgethut | swift | budget tracker app to see your expenses |
contacts | swift | contacts app for your phone |
uber clone | swift | uber clone made with swiftUI |
shasu | swift | a social media app |
conver | swift | a chatting app |
fruitles | swift | an app to introduce fruits |
Note: Top languages is only a metric of the languages my public code consists of and doesn't reflect experience or skill level.