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Jetpack is a lightweight reactive programming library for Swift. It provides tools for creating and composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable sequences.


  • Observable sequences
  • Mutable and immutable property wrappers
  • Combining and transforming observables
  • Threading and concurrency utilities
  • Array and 2D array reactive wrappers
  • Reactive subjects for broadcasting values


import Jetpack

// Create an observable sequence
let observable = Observable.just(5)

// Subscribe to receive values
observable.subscribe { value in
    print(value) // Prints: 5

// Create a mutable property
let property = MutableProperty(10)

// Observe property changes
property.subscribe { value in

property.update(20) // Triggers subscription, prints: 20

// Combine observables
let combined = observable.combineLatest(property.asObservable)
combined.subscribe { (a, b) in
    print("Combined: \(a), \(b)")

// Transform observables
let mapped = { $0 * 2 }
mapped.subscribe { value in
    print(value) // Prints: 10

Main Components

  • Observable: Represents a sequence of values over time
  • Property: Immutable wrapper around a value with reactive capabilities
  • MutableProperty: Mutable version of Property
  • Subject: Allows broadcasting values to multiple observers


Jetpack provides utilities for managing concurrency:

observable.dispatch(on: .main) // Observe on main thread
observable.delay(timeInterval: 1.0, on: .global()) // Delay events


Swift Package Manager

Add the following to your Package.swift file:

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", from: "1.0.0")


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.


Jetpack is released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.