Releases: psi46/MoReWeb
Releases · psi46/MoReWeb
MoReWeb v1.0.4
MoReWeb-v1.0.4 MoReWeb v1.0.4
MoReWeb v1.0.3
MoReWeb-v1.0.3 MoReWeb v1.0.3
MoReWeb v1.0.2
MoReWeb-v1.0.2 MoReWeb-v1.0.2 - reception tests for global DB
MoReWeb v1.0.1 - DB reprocessing
MoReWeb-v1.0.1 MoReWeb v1.0.1 DB reprocessing
MoReWeb v1.0.0
Final Grading DB reprocessing.
MoReWeb v0.7.3
New Bump Bonding cut for standard bump bonding test (BB). This fixes an underestimation of missing bump bonds if there are >90 per ROC or not seeing missing bumps at all if there are >200 per ROC.
MoReWeb v0.6.7
IV grading: also grade on measured value of leakage current at -20 degrees (with the same criteria than at +17). This will affect grading of modules that have both a higher leakage current at -20 than at +17 and a leakage current at -20 larger than 10 uA. (Not seen any so far, but one module would almost fulfill these criteria)
MoReWeb v0.6.4
includes new IV grading and few small improvements
MoReWeb v0.6.2
All chip maps are now saved as PNG instead of SVG to reduce file size.