Unofficial firmware for the DIY TR-808 Clone by E-Licktronic.
Click the releases tab above to download the latest release.
Read the improved Yocto manual.
Update the Yocto firmware by holding step buttons 1, 3, and 5 while powering the unit on. Start sending the SysEx to the Yocto's MIDI IN port within five seconds. Be sure to put a delay between SysEx messages of ~200ms, or the Yocto may not take the update. Use of MIDI-OX on Windows and SysExLibrarian on Mac is recommended.
If there are issues, don't hesitate to bring them up on the e-licktronic forum.
A useful guide to setup an Arduino as an In-System Programmer is available at the e-licktronic forum (
- Find out what micro you have - ATMEGA1284 or ATMEGA1284P? If you have the ATMEGA1284, update your avrdude.conf file with what's in the "avrdude.conf.addendum" file.
- Burn the bootloader following the above guide from e-licktronic.
- Make sure the "TX" connection on the Arduino is not connected to anything.
- Make sure that GND and RST are not connected.
- Make sure your libraries are in the right place or your code won't compile.
- Program / Upload / Burn. If the process fails, you may need to burn the bootloader again.
- Visit and do what it says.
- Make the RX / TX connections given in the "Hardware_Connections.png" image.
- Connect GND and RST on the Arduino board.
- Open your favorite serial monitor software and monitor the COM point.
- Set the software to 115200 baud.
You probably didn't increase the buffer size in the Arduino twi and Wire libraries. In twi.h: "#define TWI_BUFFER_LENGTH 128" instead of 32 In Wire.h: "#define BUFFER_LENGTH 128" instead of 32 See (
I am not affiliated in any way with e-licktronic. Use this code at your own risk!