This is not offical package. Can work with static configuration for one project and with dynamically configuration at runtime for SAAS.
- Create new app link
- Set app_id to config
- use getAuthTokenLink() for for auth link. Docs for work with Yandex Oauth. Set token for static resource or use this example for set it for dinamyc resources:
use Pugofka\Yametrika\YametrikaClient;
class AwesomeClass {
public function setToken(YametrikaClient $client)
YametrikaClient class is singleton.
YametrikaCounters class response for work with counters. getCounters() method return array of counters
Before use Reports, you should set app_id, token and counter_id.
Get data for ecom reports.
$ecomReport = resolve(\Pugofka\Yametrika\YametrikaEcomReports::class);
$ecomData = $ecomReport->getEcomData(\Carbon\Carbon::today()->subYears(1), \Carbon\Carbon::today(), $limit = 500, $offset = 1);
$ecomSources = $ecomReport->getEcomSourcesReport(\Carbon\Carbon::today()->subWeek(), \Carbon\Carbon::today(), $limit = 500, $offset = 1);