- Information Repo: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11xxZHC3XC1sGwpEqG1tOXjks8iv0NYNlaF1fCZc6Xvo/edit?usp=sharing
- Code Samples: https://dev.intelrealsense.com/docs/code-samples
- Pipeline: https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1kvJUrOsBiEv-U5tZRwZ6jow2ZWX7vi7e-kIwDFJwo5s/edit?usp=sharing
- Navigate to this webpage: "https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/install/install-visual-studio?view=vs-2022"
- Click on "Download Visual Studio" button
- In the Visual Studio Installer, select "Desktop Development with C++"
- Download/Install while Downloading
- Navigate to "/c"
- Create a folder named "git"
- Navigate to this webpage: "https://github.com/IntelRealSense/librealsense/releases/tag/v2.51.1"
- Download "Source Code (zip)" from the bottom of the page
- Extract the download into "/c/git"
- Rename the extracted folder to "librealsense"
- Navigate to this webpage: "https://cmake.org/download/"
- Install CMake using Binary distributions (.msi)
- When installing, make sure to select "Add to path"
- Open CMake
- In "Where is Source Code," add this: "C:/git/librealsense"
- Navigate to "C:/git/librealsense" and create "build" folder
- In "C:/git/librealsense/build," add this: "C:/git/librealsense/build"
- Navigate to "C:\git\librealsense\build"
- Open VS project: "librealsense2.sln"
- Once open, click on the green "Start without Debugging Button" on the top
- It should take a couple of minutes
- Do not worry about the "Access denied - ALL BUILD" error
- To confirm compilation, navigate to "C:\git\librealsense\build"
- Here, you should find a "DEBUG" and "x64" folder
- Navigate to this webpage: "https://opencv.org/releases/"
- Choose on appropriate OS to download
- Open the downloaded file
- In extract to location, paste: "C:" and extract
- Clone this repository to location of your choice
- Then, navigate to "C:\git\librealsense\build\DEBUG"
- Copy files with names "realsense2d.dll" and "realsense2d.lib"
- Place them in your git repository with relative path: "\DroneDelivery\ObstacleAvoidance\x64\Debug"
- Navigate to "C:\opencv\build\x64\vc15\bin"
- Copy file with name "opencv_world460d.dll"
- Place the file in your git repository with relative path: "\DroneDelivery\ObstacleAvoidance\x64\Debug"
- Finally, navigate within git repository to relative path: "\DroneDelivery\ObstacleAvoidance"
- Open the "ObstacleAvoidance.sln" VS project file
- First, navigate to Properties (right-click on Project Name):
- Click on C/C++ and add to “Additional Include Directories” the following:
- "C:\git\librealsense;C:\git\librealsense\build;C:\git\librealsense\include;C:\git\librealsense\third-party\glfw\include;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories);C:\opencv\build\include"
- Next, navigate to linker, general and to "Additional Library Directories" add:
- "%(AdditionalLibraryDirectories);C:\opencv\build\x64\vc15\lib"
- Navigate to linker, input and to "Additional Dependencies" add:
- "C:\git\librealsense\build\Debug\realsense2d.lib;C:\git\librealsense\build\third-party\glfw\src\Debug\glfw3d.lib;opengl32.lib;glu32.lib;kernel32.lib;user32.lib;gdi32.lib;winspool.lib;shell32.lib;ole32.lib;oleaut32.lib;uuid.lib;comdlg32.lib;advapi32.lib;$(CoreLibraryDependencies);%(AdditionalDependencies);opencv_world460d.lib"