Aligner created by GroupB Computational Biomedicine students.
Authors: Brynja Sigurpalsdottir, Hana Parizkova, Karthik Pattisapu, Modestas Filipavicius, Zhi Ye
- Genome Indexing: Burrows-Wheeler transform
- Seeding: FM-index; variable length and number of seeds; position of seed in the read chosen randomly
- Alignment: Semi-global dynamic-programming alingment with affine gap penalties; scoring as in bowtie2
Requires Python 3.7.1.
... names of one or more FastQ files with reads to be aligned--genomeIndexDir
... directory where genome index is stored, or where it should be stored if we run indexing as well--outFile
... output file (in SAM format)--genomeFasta
... name of Fasta file with the genome sequence
... run also indexing of the genome; by default indexing is not run
... float value specifiying how large overhang over the length of the read will be taken into account when running DP alignment; default value0.33
, i.e. the alignment will be computed on a piece of genome of lenght1.33*readLength
... length of seeds in base pairs; default10
... number of seeds to be tried for each read; default value3
- Basic usage, genome index already present:
python --fastq FILE.FASTQ --genomeIndexDir GENOMEDIR --genomeFasta GENOME.FASTA --outFile OUTFILE
- If we want to run indexing of genome as well:
python --fastq FILE.FASTQ --genomeIndexDir GENOMEDIR --genomeFasta GENOME.FASTA --outFile OUTFILE --runIndexing