W.I.P. Java-based simple CLI with navigating and text view-editing fuctions.
Since JNativeHook needs a X11 display to work, a solution can be done using noVNC, that means using a web to capture keyboard stuff.
This is possible with noVNC (opens new window) (a web-based VNC client) and Xtigervnc (opens new window) (a VNC server that supports X11). Here’s a script to set them up with Docker Compose.
A bash file is already included on the repository, but you can set it up by yourself copying the following snippet into a new Bash terminal:
mkdir -p ~/setup-display && cd ~/setup-display
cat > docker-compose.yml <<EOF
image: ghcr.io/dtinth/xtigervnc-docker:main
tmpfs: /tmp
restart: always
VNC_GEOMETRY: 1440x900
image: geek1011/easy-novnc
restart: always
command: -a :5800 -h display --no-url-password
docker compose up -d
Once run, we need to tell our applications to connect to the server we started. To do that, set the DISPLAY environment variable to
export DISPLAY=
Warning: this must be done every time X11 features are needed on headless mode.
Once that’s done, keyboard-capturing functionalities will work on a headless mode environment by using a web interface.
Credits to @dtinth for the noVNC guide.
When using functionalities where JNativeHook is involved, there might be some problems with missing packages, for example using Codespaces.
For Linux, using a Bash terminal, run the following commands:
apt-get install -y libxkbcommon-x11-0
apt install libxkbcommon-dev
apt install libxtst6
apt install libxtst-dev
Errors in other operating systems are not expected.