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Galaxy Harvester Web Application

Initial Setup

Galaxy Harvester Server Requirements:

The following software must be set up on the server prior to setting up Galaxy Harvester (The versions listed reflect what the current code base is running on)

  • Webserver (apache2 2.4)
  • MySQL/MariaDB Server (5.8)
  • Python (3.6)
  • module: pymysql (0.10)
  • module: jinja2 (2.11)
  • module: Pillow (8.0)

Web Server Configuration:

Want to use Docker? See: Docker instructions (experimental).

The web server being used must be configured to serve the Python based CGI scripts as follows

  • Set "html" folder of this repo as web site root (for apache2 update DocumentRoot in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf)
  • Enable CGI in your webserver, for apache2 you can run "sudo a2enmod cgi" and add the line "AddHandler cgi-script .py" in /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/serve-cgi-bin.conf within the Directory block which should be updated to point to your html folder.
  • The folders should be writable by the web server: html/temp, html/images/users, html/images/schematics

Database Creation:

The database folder contains scripts and seed data to initialize a ready to use Galaxy Harvester database.

  1. Verify database/createSWGresourcedb.sql LOAD DATA commands reflect the absolute path of the seedData files
  2. Change grant statements in database/createSWGresourcedb.sql to target your db user or create new default user in mysql: "CREATE USER 'webusr'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '';"
  3. run "mysql -u root -p --local-infile < createSWGresourcedb.sql" to create the database

Site Configuration:

The site configuration files should exist in the folder above the web site root folder along with the maintenance job scripts, update the following 3 files with appropriate passwords, etc.

  • Update so host, user, and password reflect your mysql server info if not using default webuser
  • Update so outgoing mail server and login info is set properly
  • Check for Blog admin settings customization

Site Maintenance Jobs (Cron, etc):

These jobs should be set up to run at regular intervals to maintain the site and provide features.

  • Daily (provides csv and xml format exports of current resources for each galaxy)
  • Daily (performs automated cleanup of old site data)
  • Every 30 minutes (checks recent resource activity for user alert triggers and sends those alerts)
  • Hourly (checks for pending email alerts that have been stalled due to email failure and retrys them)



You'll want to have these additional tools available locally to build and test Galaxy Harvester

  • python-nose
  • python-nose-cov

With those installed, you should be able to run nose2 from the test/pyunit folder to validate the code with a unit test run.

Seed Data Refresh

Galaxy Harvester seed data includes creature and schematic data that is automatically generated from the SWGEmu source code repository. The "scripts" folder contains utility scripts to extract this data from the SWGEmu code in the event that it needs to be regenerated after changes. These scripts operate on a local database, so the process of refresh would look something like these steps:

  1. Delete all data from the relevant tables in the local database
  2. Check out the SWGEmu Core3 git repository to the location referenced in utility script
  3. Execute the utility script (Depending on the state of the code you may need to delete or change some files and go back to step 1. Sometimes there are invalid or duplicate lua files in the repository that cause problems.)
  4. Export the data from all relevant tables to the database/seedData folder overwriting the old seed data files. Those can now be imported to other environments with one of the scripts in database/updateRefresh.

Presentation Templates

In most cases, Galaxy Harvester uses the Jinja2 template engine to render any html to the user. The html folder contains various scripts, some of which are called by AJAX from an already rendered page, and some of which render one of the templates under html/templates. The blocks.html template is not rendered directly but has various blocks like headers and footers that are imported by the other templates.


This is currently experimental.

To run a development environment using Docker, including the app server and MySQL server, you can run:

docker-compose up --build


Galaxy Harvester resource tracking web application for Star Wars Galaxies Emulator servers








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