- 🗓 When: Tue, Jan 17, 2023 (18:30 - 19:30)
- 🎞 Where: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kpj7i_sJk7g
- ℹ️ Event page: https://www.meetup.com/pyladiesdublin/events/290101036/
See announcements by Vicky via https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vQn4ZDHGcYbEdHpPh_7hBU3pbC_ethOxkuncmlI7DHEnDlYwkxB1fB6pDg6x3ypCl05bi44CUp5N-Lr/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000
If you have any announcements you wish to add in our upcoming events (virtual or in-person), email dublin@pyladies.com.
This talk will review concepts of:
- BIAS types and Sources
- Examples in World
- Overview Techniques to deal with biased Dataset.
- Fairness Criteria
About Arthur Lubambo: Arthur is the Director of Engineering and Co-Founder of Inclusio. With a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and a background in Artificial Intelligence (AI), machine learning, Data Science, Games, and Software Engineering. Arthur believes Technology should be built for human, societal and environmental wellbeing. He thinks together, we can make a better world, where everyone feels respected and included.
While building web API endpoints for CRUDing (creating, retrieving, updating and deleting) data objects in a database using Django REST framework, you will realise that the object fields related to other objects in the database are not CRUDed by default 😰 . They have to be serialized appropriately 💪. In this talk, we will showcase how data for an employee data management app that stores information (employee id, first name, last name, employment date and certifications) on every employee on the app is CRUDed in the app database. Since every employee, may possess one or more certifications (or even no certifications) we will use a Many-to-One relationship (also known as a foreign key relationship) to map every employee to their certifications in the database. This talk is a beginner-friendly technical demonstration. Full details for recreating the app will be shared.
About Uffa Modey: Uffa is a Software Engineer focused on building technologies for the web, AI, and robotics using Python. She is passionate about capacity building for underrepresented communities (predominantly women and youth) to enable them to access the resources they require to become technology industry leaders globally and ultimately bridge inequalities in ICT. Uffa is a cofounder at Digital Grassroots and an AFRINIC (the regional Internet registry for Africa) fellow. She established the Nigerian Youth Internet Governance Forum and has actively participated in the Mozilla Foundation community since 2018. Uffa has a Master's Degree in Cybernetics and Communications Engineering and a B.Eng in Electrical & Electronics Engineering.
We would like to thank the following:
- Coding Grace: Streamyard for our virtual events
- PSF: Meetup fees
- PyLadies
Submit your talk details: https://share-eu1.hsforms.com/1HHEGqvm2Q_-B3vqjq53EfQf1bg5
For example: organising, collaboration, sponsoring, hosting, and more
Questions: dublin@pyladies.com