cattrs ships with a number of strategies for customizing un/structuring behavior.
Strategies are prepackaged, high-level patterns for quickly and easily applying complex customizations to a converter.
Found at {py:func}cattrs.strategies.configure_tagged_union
The tagged union strategy allows for un/structuring a union of classes by including an additional field (the tag) in the unstructured representation. Each tag value is associated with a member of the union.
>>> from cattrs.strategies import configure_tagged_union
>>> from cattrs import Converter
>>> converter = Converter()
>>> @define
... class A:
... a: int
>>> @define
... class B:
... b: str
>>> configure_tagged_union(A | B, converter)
>>> converter.unstructure(A(1), unstructure_as=A | B)
{'a': 1, '_type': 'A'}
>>> converter.structure({'a': 1, '_type': 'A'}, A | B)
By default, the tag field name is _type
and the tag value is the class name of the union member.
Both the field name and value can be overriden.
The tag_generator
parameter is a one-argument callable that will be called with every member of the union to generate a mapping of tag values to union members.
Here are some common tag_generator
Tag info available in | Recommended tag_generator |
Name of the class | Use the default, or lambda cl: cl.__name__ |
A class variable (classvar ) |
lambda cl: cl.classvar |
A dictionary (mydict ) |
mydict.get or mydict.__getitem__ |
An enum of possible values | Build a dictionary of classes to enum values and use it |
The union members aren't required to be attrs classes or dataclasses, although those work automatically. They may be anything that cattrs can un/structure from/to a dictionary, for example a type with registered custom hooks.
A default member can be specified to be used if the tag is missing or is unknown.
This is useful for evolving APIs in a backwards-compatible way; an endpoint taking class A
can be changed to take A | B
with A
as the default (for old clients which do not send the tag).
This strategy only applies in the context of the union; the normal un/structuring hooks are left untouched. This also means union members can be reused in multiple unions easily.
# Unstructuring as a union.
>>> converter.unstructure(A(1), unstructure_as=A | B)
{'a': 1, '_type': 'A'}
# Unstructuring as just an `A`.
>>> converter.unstructure(A(1))
{'a': 1}
The Apple App Store supports server callbacks, by which Apple sends a JSON payload to a URL of your choice.
The payload can be interpreted as about a dozen different messages, based on the value of the notificationType
To keep the example simple we define two classes, one for the REFUND
event and one for everything else.
class Refund:
originalTransactionId: str
class OtherAppleNotification:
notificationType: str
AppleNotification = Refund | OtherAppleNotification
Next, we use the tagged unions strategy to prepare our converter.
The tag value for the Refund
event is REFUND
, and we can let the OtherAppleNotification
class handle all the other cases.
The tag_generator
parameter is a callable, so we can give it the get
method of a dictionary.
>>> from cattrs.strategies import configure_tagged_union
>>> c = Converter()
>>> configure_tagged_union(
... AppleNotification,
... c,
... tag_name="notificationType",
... tag_generator={Refund: "REFUND"}.get,
... default=OtherAppleNotification
... )
The converter is now ready to start structuring Apple notifications.
>>> payload = {"notificationType": "REFUND", "originalTransactionId": "1"}
>>> notification = c.structure(payload, AppleNotification)
>>> match notification:
... case Refund(txn_id):
... print(f"Refund for {txn_id}!")
... case OtherAppleNotification(not_type):
... print("Can't handle this yet")
Refund for 1!
Found at {py:func}cattrs.strategies.include_subclasses
The include subclass strategy allows the un/structuring of a base class to an instance of itself or one of its descendants.
Conceptually with this strategy, each time an un/structure operation for the base class is asked, cattrs
machinery replaces that operation as if the union of the base class and its descendants had been asked instead.
>>> from attrs import define
>>> from cattrs.strategies import include_subclasses
>>> from cattrs import Converter
>>> @define
... class Parent:
... a: int
>>> @define
... class Child(Parent):
... b: str
>>> converter = Converter()
>>> include_subclasses(Parent, converter)
>>> converter.unstructure(Child(a=1, b="foo"), unstructure_as=Parent)
{'a': 1, 'b': 'foo'}
>>> converter.structure({'a': 1, 'b': 'foo'}, Parent)
Child(a=1, b='foo')
In the example above, we asked to unstructure then structure a Child
instance as the Parent
class and in both cases we correctly obtained back the unstructured and structured versions of the Child
If we did not apply the include_subclasses
strategy, this is what we would have obtained:
>>> converter_no_subclasses = Converter()
>>> converter_no_subclasses.unstructure(Child(a=1, b="foo"), unstructure_as=Parent)
{'a': 1}
>>> converter_no_subclasses.structure({'a': 1, 'b': 'foo'}, Parent)
Without the application of the strategy, in both unstructure and structure operations, we received a Parent
The handling of subclasses is an opt-in feature for two main reasons:
- Performance. While small and probably negligible in most cases the subclass handling incurs more function calls and has a performance impact.
- Customization. The specific handling of subclasses can be different from one situation to the other. In particular there is not apparent universal good defaults for disambiguating the union type. Consequently the decision is left to the user.
To work properly, all subclasses must be defined when the `include_subclasses` strategy is applied to a `converter`. If subclasses types are defined later, for instance in the context of a plug-in mechanism using inheritance, then those late defined subclasses will not be part of the subclasses union type and will not be un/structured as expected.
In the example shown in the previous section, the default options for include_subclasses
work well because the Child
class has an attribute that do not exist in the Parent
class (the b
The automatic union type disambiguation function which is based on finding unique fields for each type of the union works as intended.
Sometimes, more disambiguation customization is required.
For instance, the unstructuring operation would have failed if Child
did not have an extra attribute or if a sibling of Child
had also a b
For those cases, a callable of 2 positional arguments (a union type and a converter) defining a tagged union strategy can be passed to the include_subclasses
can be used as-is, but if you want to change its defaults, the partial function from the functools
module in the standard library can come in handy.
>>> from functools import partial
>>> from attrs import define
>>> from cattrs.strategies import include_subclasses, configure_tagged_union
>>> from cattrs import Converter
>>> @define
... class Parent:
... a: int
>>> @define
... class Child1(Parent):
... b: str
>>> @define
... class Child2(Parent):
... b: int
>>> converter = Converter()
>>> union_strategy = partial(configure_tagged_union, tag_name="type_name")
>>> include_subclasses(Parent, converter, union_strategy=union_strategy)
>>> converter.unstructure(Child1(a=1, b="foo"), unstructure_as=Parent)
{'a': 1, 'b': 'foo', 'type_name': 'Child1'}
>>> converter.structure({'a': 1, 'b': 1, 'type_name': 'Child2'}, Parent)
Child2(a=1, b=1)
Other customizations available see are (see {py:func}include_subclasses()<cattrs.strategies.include_subclasses>
- The exact list of subclasses that should participate to the union with the
argument. - Attribute overrides that permit the customization of attributes un/structuring like renaming an attribute.
Here is an example involving both customizations:
>>> from attrs import define
>>> from cattrs.strategies import include_subclasses
>>> from cattrs import Converter, override
>>> @define
... class Parent:
... a: int
>>> @define
... class Child(Parent):
... b: str
>>> converter = Converter()
>>> include_subclasses(
... Parent,
... converter,
... subclasses=(Parent, Child),
... overrides={"b": override(rename="c")}
... )
>>> converter.unstructure(Child(a=1, b="foo"), unstructure_as=Parent)
{'a': 1, 'c': 'foo'}
>>> converter.structure({'a': 1, 'c': 'foo'}, Parent)
Child(a=1, b='foo')
Found at {py:func}cattrs.strategies.use_class_methods
This strategy allows for un/structuring logic on the models themselves. It can be applied for both structuring and unstructuring (also simultaneously).
If a class requires special handling for (un)structuring, you can add a dedicated (un)structuring method:
>>> from attrs import define
>>> from cattrs import Converter
>>> from cattrs.strategies import use_class_methods
>>> @define
... class MyClass:
... a: int
... @classmethod
... def _structure(cls, data: dict):
... return cls(data["b"] + 1) # expecting "b", not "a"
... def _unstructure(self):
... return {"c": self.a - 1} # unstructuring as "c", not "a"
>>> converter = Converter()
>>> use_class_methods(converter, "_structure", "_unstructure")
>>> print(converter.structure({"b": 42}, MyClass))
>>> print(converter.unstructure(MyClass(42)))
{'c': 41}
Any class without a _structure
or _unstructure
method will use the default strategy for structuring or unstructuring, respectively.
Feel free to use other names.
The stategy can be applied multiple times (with different method names).
If you want to (un)structured nested objects, just append a converter parameter to your (un)structuring methods and you will receive the converter there:
>>> @define
... class Nested:
... m: MyClass
... @classmethod
... def _structure(cls, data: dict, conv):
... return cls(conv.structure(data["n"], MyClass))
... def _unstructure(self, conv):
... return {"n": conv.unstructure(self.m)}
>>> print(converter.structure({"n": {"b": 42}}, Nested))
>>> print(converter.unstructure(Nested(MyClass(42))))
{'n': {'c': 41}}
Found at {py:func}cattrs.strategies.configure_union_passthrough
The union passthrough strategy enables a {py:class}Converter <cattrs.BaseConverter>
to structure unions and subunions of given types.
A very common use case for cattrs is processing data created by other serialization libraries, such as JSON or msgpack. These libraries are able to directly produce values of unions inherent to the format. For example, every JSON library can differentiate between numbers, booleans, strings and null values since these values are represented differently in the wire format. This strategy enables cattrs to offload the creation of these values to an underlying library and just validate the final value. So, cattrs preconfigured JSON converters can handle the following type:
bool | int | float | str | None
Continuing the JSON example, this strategy also enables structuring subsets of unions of these values. Accordingly, here are some examples of subset unions that are also supported:
bool | int
int | str
int | float | str
The strategy also supports types including one or more Literals of supported types. For example:
Literal["admin", "user"] | int
Literal[True] | str | int | float
The strategy also supports NewTypes of these types. For example:
>>> from typing import NewType
>>> UserId = NewType("UserId", int)
>>> converter.loads("12", UserId)
Unions containing unsupported types can be handled if at least one union type is supported by the strategy; the supported union types will be checked before the rest (referred to as the spillover) is handed over to the converter again.
For example, if A
and B
are arbitrary attrs classes, the union Literal[10] | A | B
cannot be handled directly by a JSON converter.
However, the strategy will check if the value being structured matches Literal[10]
(because this type is supported) and, if not, will pass it back to the converter to be structured as A | B
(where a different strategy can handle it).
The strategy is designed to run in O(1) at structure time; it doesn't depend on the size of the union and the ordering of union members.
This strategy has been preapplied to the following preconfigured converters:
- {py:class}
BsonConverter <cattrs.preconf.bson.BsonConverter>
- {py:class}
Cbor2Converter <cattrs.preconf.cbor2.Cbor2Converter>
- {py:class}
JsonConverter <cattrs.preconf.json.JsonConverter>
- {py:class}
MsgpackConverter <cattrs.preconf.msgpack.MsgpackConverter>
- {py:class}
MsgspecJsonConverter <cattrs.preconf.msgspec.MsgspecJsonConverter>
- {py:class}
OrjsonConverter <cattrs.preconf.orjson.OrjsonConverter>
- {py:class}
PyyamlConverter <cattrs.preconf.pyyaml.PyyamlConverter>
- {py:class}
TomlkitConverter <cattrs.preconf.tomlkit.TomlkitConverter>
- {py:class}
UjsonConverter <cattrs.preconf.ujson.UjsonConverter>