Source code of website
The web site is developed using Django. The project uses Pipenv as dependecy management tool and Python Decouple for configurations.
How to install in locally (supposing you have git and python >= 3.7 installed):
git clone
cd pythonpro-website
cp contrib/env-sample .env
python -m pip install pipenv
pipenv install -d
The project uses Postgres as database. You can use docker compose to install it as a service running:
docker compose up -d
You can apply migrations to generate database schema:
python migrate
You can seed database to create an admin and other usefull models:
python seed_dev_db
To run server locally (with virtualenv activated):
python runserver
If you want populate the database with some content run:
python loaddata pythonpro_contents
To tun the tests:
pytest pythonpro
and install docker and run:
docker-compose up -d
#License Details
The AGPL license here cover everything relate to source code but Dev Pro logo and Image. So you need to change this data for you own trademark.
Have fun!