A curated list of awesome q frameworks, libraries, software and resources.
Inspired by awesome-php.
Repositories at KxSystems are maintained and supported by KX. Other repositories are maintained by their owners.
The Fusion interface libraries are maintained and supported by KX.
to | source | note |
Arrow Parquet |
arrowkdb | Using Apache Arrow/Parquet data with kdb+ |
FFI | ffi | Use foreign functions in q |
HDF5 | hdf5 | Hierarchical Data Format 5 |
Java | javakdb | Java client for kdb+ |
Jupyter | jupyterq | Jupyter kernel for kdb+ |
Kafka | kafka | q client for Apache Kafka |
LDAP | ldap | Solace pub/sub brokers |
MQTT | mqtt | Message Queuing Telemetry Transport |
Prometheus | prometheus-kdb-exporter | Expose metrics to Prometheus |
Protocol Buffers | protobuf | Protobuf |
Python | embedPy | call Python from q |
Python | pyq | call q from Python |
R | rkdb | R client for q |
Reuters | kdb/c | |
Solace | solace | Solace pub/sub brokers |
to | source | note |
C | KxSystems/kdb | C client for kdb+ |
C# | kxcontrib/csharpgui | C# GUI |
Excel | CharlesSkelton/excelrtd | Microsoft Excel™ client for kdb+ |
FITS | jpneill/fitsToKdb | access tables in NASA FITS files |
Java | CharlesSkelton/jshow | |
JavaScript | WebSockets | |
JDBC | CharlesSkelton/babel | query other databases via JDBC |
Lua | geocar/qlua | q client for Lua |
Mathematica | KxSystems/kdb | Mathematica5 -> Q interface |
ODBC | client for ODBC | |
Python | PyKX qPython |
NaCL | geocar/qsalt | NaCL bindings for q/kdb |
NodeJS | geocar/qnode | kdb+ client in NodeJS |
ODBC | server for ODBC3 | |
PHP | geocar/qphp | kdb+ IPC implementation for PHP |
WebSockets | kxcontrib/websocket |
editor | source | note |
Emacs | geocar/kq-mode | major mode for Emacs; supports Tramp and Babel psaris/q-mode |
Evolved | simongarland/Syntaxhighlighter-for-q | |
TextMate | psaris/KX.tmbundle | |
vim | simongarland/vim | |
Visual Studio Code | jshinonome/vscode-q | |
WordPress | Syntaxhighlighter-for-q |
- kdb-taq – Process trade-and-quote data
- kdb-tick – tickerplant
KX Insights provides tools for deploying kdb+ systems in the cloud.
- KX Insights Core:
- packaging
- orchestration
- REST interfaces
- logging
- object storage
- Google BigQuery
- KX Insights Microservices: an ecosystem of cloud-native microservices, built with kdb+ Cloud Edition, all with OpenAPI specifications
- service discovery
- data access
- service gateway
- storage manager
- stream processor
- dashboards
- kxcontrib/cloud-autoscaling – cloud autoscaling
- kxcontrib/BigQueryKdbInteroperability – Transferring data to and from BigQuery
- kxcontrib/kdbAlertTP – Tickerplant set-up to test Alert Monitor
- MdSalih/Kdb-stuff – ServerChecker: how to execute commands on a remote box via SSH from within a q process and parse Linux system info (cpuinfo/meminfo/df)
- kxcontrib/massIngestionDataloader – Mass data ingestion
- jfealy/q – Database and log utilities
- gyorokpeter/qbinparse – Customizable binary data parser
- LeslieGoldsmith/dpy – General object display with type and structure
- KxSystems/help – Online help for q
- KxSystems/kdb – Companion files to the kdb+ product
- KxSystems/man – man-style reference
- gitrj95/q-memo – memoize functions that are expensive to compute
- LeslieGoldsmith/qprof – Code profiler
- CillianReilly/qtools – Development tools
- Charles/Skelton/studio – A rapid-development environment for q
- LeslieGoldsmith/ws – Workspace utilities
- BrianOSu/qlibs – Binance interface
- finos/kdb – Common standards, tools, and libraries to facilitate collaborative development, ease artifact reuse, and improve usability and administration of kdb+ software in enterprise deployments
- kxcontrib/market-fragmentation – Analyse market fragmentation
- dmorgankx/option# – Option #
- kxcontrib/wp-knn – K Nearest Neighbors
- KxSystems/ml – Machine-Learning Toolkit
- cburke/amcharts – A set of flash charts designed for Web applications
- quintanar401/DCoQ – ‘Dark corners’ of q
- skeevey/fb.q – Flappy birds clone in q for Linux
- stevanapter/hypertree – Recursive aggregating treetable and 3-D pivot table for hypergrid
- BuaBook/kdb-common – Miscellaneous production libraries
- kxcontrib/oauth2 – OAuth2
- rianoc/qCam – Image capture and manipulation on a Raspberry Pi
- emc211/qGames – Games: Battleship, chess, Minesweeper, poker
- kxcontrib/q-signals – Signal processing
- gyorokpeter/qx86 – x86 assembler, disassembler and emulator
- kxcontrib/trend-indicators – Trend indicators
- AngusWilson/whatStats – Analyse WhatsApp chat logs
- gyorokpeter/qtcp – Open raw TCP connections in-process for q to communicate through
- KxSystems/analyst-training – Training for KX Analyst and KX Developer
- KxSystems/cookbook – Companion files to the Knowledge Base
- KxSystems/mlnotebooks – Machine-Learning notebooks
- KxSystems/nlp – Demonstration notebook for natural-language processing
- kxcontrib/phrases – The Q Phrasebook