Starsky ·

List of Starsky Projects
- By App documentation database photo index & import index project
- starsky web api application / interface
- clientapp react front-end application
- starskyImporterCli import command line interface
- starskyGeoCli gpx sync and reverse 'geo tagging'
- starskyWebHtmlCli publish web images to a content package
- starskyWebFtpCli copy a content package to a ftp service
- starskyAdminCli manage user accounts
- starskySynchronizeCli check if disk changes are updated in the database
- starskyThumbnailCli speed web performance by generating smaller images
- Starsky Business Logic business logic libraries (.NET)
- starskyTest mstest unit tests (for .NET)
- starsky web api application / interface
- starsky-tools nodejs tools to add-on tasks
- Starsky Desktop Desktop Application
- Download Desktop App Windows and Mac OS version
- Changelog Release notes and history
Check the introduction page to learn more about the scope of the application
Starsky has a demo application online.
Is not needed to login, but you can create a new account
This section deals with how to set up a Starsky system on-premises. You will find guides to all Starsky software for installation on-premises here.
The general application is Starsky solution (sln). You need to install the solution first.
The command tools to sync the database manually use Synchronize CLI to generate thumbnail use Thumbnail CLI. The Importer CLI can be used to copy files in a folder structure based on the creation datetime. The datetime structure can be configured.
To reverse geo code location information in images use the UI or the Geo CLI. Use your photo to track location and match this with your camera.With this tool you add a location trail (gpx) to a folder and match the datetime to images in the folder.
To publish files generate markup and images with a logo use the Web Html CLI. This publish web images to a content package. And when this is done you could copy a content package to a ftp service.
All these projects are separately compiled using the build script and using the same application settings (appsettings
) configuration.
Please do not open an issue on GitHub, unless you have spotted an actual bug in Starsky.
Use GitHub Discussions to ask questions, bring up ideas, or other general items. Issues are not the place for questions, and will either be converted to a discussion or closed.
This policy is in place to avoid bugs being drowned out in a pile of sensible suggestions for future enhancements and calls for help from people who forget to check back if they get it and so on.
If a feature request is actually going to be built, it will get its own issue with the tag: Feature Request
See ./pipelines/azure
for details
The pipeline below is to test the Desktop build process. The .NET part isn't build in this pipeline, but it's needed to run the Desktop app.
A full build including the .NET dependency
See the documentation for details
See ./starsky-tools/end2end
for details
There is a version log and backlog available on the history and changelog page