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Timeouts and Backoff

s3u edited this page May 7, 2012 · 2 revisions

Here is the proposed syntax for timeouts on requests made from to other resources.


select, update, insert and delete statements may have the following optional clauses.

  • timeout number: This clause sets a idle timeout (in msec) on the request.
  • minDelay number: Sets the minimum backoff interval (in msec). After three successive timeouts or other network failures, requests will not be made during the backoff interval. The backoff interval starts with minDelay and with each successive failure, it will be increased exponentially.
  • maxDelay number: Sets the maximum backoff interval (in msec). After reaching this limit, the backoff will be reset to the minDelay.

The backoff is implemented using the backoff algorithm linked from


timeout: 10,000 msec minDelay: 500 msec maxDelay: 30,000 msec


Timeouts will not cause an automatic retry.

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