This is sample QAS + maven project in Java. It shows how to upload test result file on JIRA instance using QMetry for JIRA - Test Management.
please update these details in pom.xml
Step 1: Add the following to the <build> -> <plugins> block in your
Step 2: Add the following to the <dependencies> block in pom.xml:
Step 3: Add the following to the <repositories> block in pom.xml like:
<name>QMetry Test Manager Maven Repository</name>
Step 4: Add file to root directory of your project
Configure below properties:
automation.qmetry.enabled = true
automation.qmetry.url =
automation.qmetry.apikey = {{your API key}}
automation.qmetry.testrunname = Test Run
automation.qmetry.labels = lbl1,lbl2
automation.qmetry.components = com1,com2
automation.qmetry.version = v1,v2
automation.qmetry.sprint = sprint1
automation.qmetry.platform = chrome
automation.qmetry.comment = this is test run comment
automation.qmetry.testrunkey =
automation.qmetry.testassethierarchy = TestCase-TestStep
automation.qmetry.jirafields =
automation.qmetry.debug = true
if you are using on premise JIRA, then configure below properties as well:
Once the file is configured, the automation test results will get uploaded automatically whenever the user executes the automation project (e.g. using 'mvn test').automation.qmetry.authorization=Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=
automation.qmetry.username = admin
automation.qmetry.password = admin
After providing these details, you are ready to start test.
mvn test
It will generate surefile-reports
Addionally, right after test completion, test result file will be uploaded on your JIRA instance if you have provided correct details in properties file.