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Cheatsheet | Readme

A cheatsheet is a condensed reference guide that provides quick and easy access to key information on a specific subject or task. Cheat sheets can be particularly useful for learners or professionals who need to quickly refresh their knowledge or learn new skills, as they provide a quick and easy way to access key information in a condensed format.1

Table of contents

Development setup

To contribute to this project, just follow these simple steps:

# Clone repository
git clone

# Change directory & install dependencies
cd cheatsheet
npm install

# Add `./src/config.json` manually
# `development` => No impact at all
# `branch` => Current feature branch

# or

# Generate `config.json`
git checkout -b <NEW_BRANCHNAME>
npm run set_dev_config

# Start development server
npm run dev

Rules for developers

To ensure that this repository is always neat and tidy, a few simple but important rules have been established.
Changes made without following these rules will not be merged.

  1. Always work on a feature branch, preferably related to an issue on GitHub.
    1. Relating to an issue on GitHub
        e.g.: 36-update-locale-readme-for-developers
      • Or use "Create a branch" function from GitHub
    2. Otherwise
      • Write an issue on GitHub and follow 1.
      • Branch patterns

Tips and must have's for writing a sheet

Description and Preserved Keywords

Both have to look exactly like this:

[description]: <> (YOUR DESCRIPTION GOES HERE)

You write your values between the brackets.
Do not change these order!
Place this always on top of the .md file!

How to's

Here you can find some how-to's you may need during develop.

Internal links

Use [Link name](?path=path/to/ to link another file inside ./src/docs/.

Generate new index

The resulting file indexed_docs_directory.json should not be pushed.
Open terminal from project directory and use node ./src/assets/scripts/indexing_docs_directory.js to generate a new index from src/docs/.


Only the repo owner and selected collaborators are authorized to deploy new versions. A new feature can only be built into a new version via a feature branch that was previously merged into the main!
New versions are built by merging main into production. If necessary, a last commit is pushed to main, which at most updates the changelog in ./src/docs/

Steps to deploy new versions:

  1. Check changelog, update if necessary.
  2. Request from main to production
  3. Merge
  4. Wait for GitHub actions
    • Automatically triggered when push to production

Testing & Linting

Run Unit Tests with Vitest

npm run test:unit

Lint with ESLint

npm run lint


  1. ChatGTP, Request: "can you describe a cheat sheet for me?" (December 21th, 2022)