This Script contains tools like assetfinder, amass, httprobe, subjack, nmap, waybackurls and gowitness.
Before Running The Script
chmod +x
- Syntax:
./ [domain]
- For Example:
AssetFinder Installation
sudo apt install assetfinder
Amass Installation
sudo apt install amass
HTTProbe Installation
sudo apt install httprobe
SubJack Installation
sudo apt install subjack
Nmap Installation
sudo apt install nmap
Go Programming Language (golang) Installation
sudo apt install golang-go
Edit the Profile
mousepad ~/.profile
Add These Two lines into the end of the profile file
export GOPATH="$HOME/go"
Check if it got added into the path
echo $PATH
WayBackURLs Installation
go install
sudo cp /home/kali/go/bin/waybackurls /usr/bin
GoWitness Installation
go install
sudo cp /home/kali/go/bin/gowitness /usr/bin