The purpose of this repository is to compile raw quizbowl data released under an open license to be used by anyone for research.
– Detailed stats from specific tournamentsannotated-packets
– Annotated packets for tracking buzz points- more to come
This repository is always evolving. Watch this repository and follow along with the pull requests to get updates.
It is likely that there are many mistakes in the data. Please email for instructions on how to report errata.
This dataset is released under the Open Database License (ODbL). This is a “share-alike” license, meaning that if you distribute a work that builds upon this data, you must make it available under the same license in order to maintain the same freedoms for others.
It is requested that users of this data include a link to this repository ( or another comparable citation, and, if applicable, a link to the specific version of the data used. It is recommended that apps be able to easily plug in a new version of the data.