bypass pairipcore, bypass google play protect with pairipcore,绕过play保护,破解谷歌加固,修复apk,防止闪退
- Support to remove latest pairip in app and some offline games. Temporarily not support online unity games.
- 支持移除app内最新带pairip的play保护,暂时不支持联网unity游戏。
- 针对mod游戏或者是直接从谷歌商店下载的原apk,在反编译,进行相关修改后,对apk进行修复处理,从而绕过包括签名验证、完整性验证等在内的多重验证保护,防止重新打包签名导致的apk闪退
- For mod games or original APKs downloaded directly from the Google Store, after decompiling and making relevant modifications, the APK is repaired to bypass multiple verification protections including signature verification and integrity verification, and prevent the APK from crashing due to repackaging the signature.
- xapk or apks merge to apk
- remove ads
- bypass Signature Verification
- unlimited money for offline unity game
- Android unity games assets extract
- Android reverse engineering
- Android app api packet capture and analysis
- Other Python scripting tools to fullfill you need.
- 单个apk处理600人民币左右,如果数量较多可以谈优惠价格(该价格仅仅是移除pairipcore,不包含apk中其它防护)
- The processing price of a single apk is about 100 dollars. If the quantity is large, we can negotiate a preferential price.(This price is only for removing pairipcore, not including other protections in apk)
- Telegram:@ericzhao2024
- I don't bypass bank app !