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Releases: rabbitmq/rabbitmqadmin-ng


05 Jan 11:21
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v0.19.0 (Jan 5, 2025)


  • Two new commands for reasoning about target node's memory footprint:

    # displays a breakdown in bytes
    rabbitmqadmin show memory_breakdown_in_bytes --node 'rabbit@hostname'
    # displays a breakdown in percent
    rabbitmqadmin show memory_breakdown_in_percent --node 'rabbit@hostname'

    Example output of show memory_breakdown_in_percent:

     │ key                                    │ percentage │
     │ total                                  │ 100%       │
     │ Binary heap                            │ 45.10%     │
     │ Allocated but unused                   │ 23.45%     │
     │ Quorum queue ETS tables                │ 23.05%     │
     │ Other processes                        │ 5.32%      │
     │ Other (used by the runtime)            │ 4.98%      │
     │ Code                                   │ 4.54%      │
     │ Client connections: others processes   │ 3.64%      │
     │ Management stats database              │ 3.48%      │
     │ Client connections: reader processes   │ 3.22%      │
     │ Plugins and their data                 │ 3.12%      │
     │ Other (ETS tables)                     │ 1.55%      │
     │ Metrics data                           │ 0.66%      │
     │ AMQP 0-9-1 channels                    │ 0.40%      │
     │ Message store indices                  │ 0.27%      │
     │ Atom table                             │ 0.24%      │
     │ Client connections: writer processes   │ 0.19%      │
     │ Quorum queue replica processes         │ 0.10%      │
     │ Stream replica processes               │ 0.07%      │
     │ Mnesia                                 │ 0.02%      │
     │ Metadata store                         │ 0.02%      │
     │ Stream coordinator processes           │ 0.02%      │
     │ Classic queue processes                │ 0.00%      │
     │ Metadata store ETS tables              │ 0.00%      │
     │ Stream replica reader processes        │ 0.00%      │
     │ Reserved by the kernel but unallocated │ 0.00%      │

    Note that there are two different supported strategies for computing memory footprint of a node. RabbitMQ uses both and takes the greater value for 100% when computing the relative
    share in percent for each category. Other factors that can affect the precision of percentage values reported are runtime allocator behavior nuances and the kernel page cache.


02 Jan 03:30
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v0.18.0 (Jan 1, 2024)


  • Client identity support: --tls-cert-file and --tls-key-file are the (re-introduced)
    options that allow the user to pass in a public certificate (key) and private key pair
    for x.509 peer verification:

    rabbitmqadmin --use-tls --host 'target.domain' --port 15671 \
                  --tls-ca-cert-file '/path/to/ca_certificate.pem' \
                  --tls-cert-file '/path/to/client_certificate.pem' \
                  --tls-key-file '/path/to/client_key.pem' \
                  list connections

    GitHub issue: #26

  • Initial cross-platform support for loading of trusted CA certificates
    from system locations.

    This behavior is enabled automatically. The certificates in a PEM file passed in
    via --tls-ca-cert-file are merged with the list of CA certificates discovered in
    the platform-specific stores.

    GitHub issue: #42

  • rabbitmqadmin show memory_breakdown is a new command that outputs a breakdown of target node's memory footprint


31 Dec 09:56
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v0.17.0 (Dec 31, 2024)


  • New health checks:

    # To see help: 'rabbitmqadmin health_check help port_listener'
    rabbitmqadmin health_check port_listener --port [port]
    # To see help: 'rabbitmqadmin health_check help protocol_listener'
    rabbitmqadmin health_check protoocl_listener --protocol [protocol]


29 Dec 09:14
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v0.16.0 (Dec 29, 2024)


  • rabbitmqadmin feature_flags list (also available as rabbitmqadmin list feature_flags) is a new command
    that lists feature flags and their cluster state.

    GitHub issue: #38

  • rabbitmqadmin feature_flags enable --name {feature flag} and rabbitmqadmin feature_flags enable_all are new commands
    that enable feature flags.

    Just like its rabbitmqctl counterpart, rabbitmqadmin feature_flags enable_all will only enable
    the stable feature flags and will skip the experimental ones.

    GitHub issues: #41

  • rabbitmqadmin deprecated_features list (also available as rabbitmqadmin list deprecated_features) is a new
    function that lists all deprecated features.

    GitHub issue: #39

  • rabbitmqadmin deprecated_features list_used (also available as rabbitmqadmin list deprecated_features_in_use) is a new
    function that lists the deprecated features that are found to be
    used in the cluster.

    GitHub issue: #40


26 Dec 21:16
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v0.15.0 (Dec 26, 2024)


  • Improved error reporting.

    A failed HTTP API request now prints the request URL (this does NOT include the credentials),
    and the response body, making it easier to identify the problem without consulting RabbitMQ node logs.

  • CLI interface help message polishing.

    More commands now provide links to the relevant documentation guides,
    use (a reasonable amount of) coloring and recommend against features such as that are
    polling message consumption that were never designed or intended to be used in production

  • README documentation improvements


23 Dec 03:42
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v0.14.0 (Dec 22, 2024)

Breaking Changes

  • Multi-word command line flags now use the more common --snake-case[=]{value} format
    instead of rabbitmqadmin v1's lower_case={value}.


  • New command category: health_check which provides access to the health check endpoints.

    Currently, only the three (arguably) most important health checks are implemented: local_alarms, cluster_wide_alarms, and node_is_quorum_critical.

    GitHub issues: #33, #34.

  • health_check help now includes a link to the respective RabbitMQ documentation guide.

Bug Fixes

  • Configuration paths with a tilda (~), including the default configuration file at ~/.rabbitmqadmin.conf,
    were not loaded correctly.


21 Dec 23:34
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  • Several key delete commands, namely delete vhost, delete user, delete queue and delete exchange now support a new flag, --idempotently. When this flag is used, 404 Not Found responses from the HTTP

    GitHub issue: #32

  • --non-interactive is a new global flag. When used, this flag will instruct rabbitmqadmin to not produce table border formatting,
    and generally try to use output that'd be easier to consume from scripts

  • Initial work on improving error reporting

Bug Fixes

  • declare exchange propduced an incorrect API request payload
    when target exchange --type was an x-* type (a plugin provided-type), such as x-local-random or x-consistent-hash


09 Dec 02:56
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v0.12.0 (Dec 8, 2024)


  • Implement support for configuration files. Instead of .ini files used by
    rabbitmqadmin v1, this version uses TOML.

    GitHub issue: #28

  • Implement show overview

    GitHub issue: #25

  • declare queue no longer requires a --queue-type. If not type is specified,
    it will not be included into the request and the queue will be declared
    with the default queue type of the target virtual host.

    GitHub issue: #29


Release artifacts are no longer distributed as single file archives. Instead,
the release now includes "naked" binaries that can be downloaded and executed
without un-archiving.

GitHub issue: #31


21 Nov 00:21
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  • rabbitmqadmin definitions is a new (and recommended) groups of commands related to definition export and import

    rabbitmqadmin definitions export --help
    rabbitmqadmin definitions import --help

    The original way of invoking these two commands is still available:

    rabbitmqadmin export definitions --help
    rabbitmqadmin import definitions --help