codes of image processing lab done during lab periods and latex reports code.
- Lab One: PDF | TEX | Matlab Program
- Introduction to MATLAB
- Basic Control Statements in MATLAB
- Command used in MATLAB
- Lab Two: PDF | TEX | Matlab Program
- Point Operation in Image using MATLAB.
- Lab Three: PDF | TEX | Matlab Program
- Graphical User Interface Development Environment in MATLAB [GUIDE]
- Lab Four: PDF | TEX | Matlab Program
- GUI Control Elements in Matlab
- Lab Five: PDF | TEX | Matlab Program
- Image Enhancements Techniques using MATLAB
- Contrast Steretching, Histogram Equalization, and Histogram Specification
- Lab Six:PDF | TEX | Matlab Program: One _ Two
- Bit Plane Slicing and Noises and its removal using Noise Filter
- Lab Seven:PDF | TEX | Matlab Program: One _ Two _ Three
- Edge Detection using built in and custom Gradient Filters
- Edge Detection using built in and custom Laplace Filters
- DCT and IDCT applied on image for image compression