Implement a simple encoder/decoder of Morse code.
You gonna need a C++ compiler complacent with the fourteenth standard (C++14) and maybe CMake if you will.
To build with CMake it is pretty straight forward, you just need to do:
cmake ./
You can either compile it directly with the compiler in hands
g++ -Wall -pedantic -std=c++14 src/main.cpp src/morse.cpp -o bin/morse.out
Or you can open the source files on a IDE of choice and compile them.
Encode latin words to morse, decoding morse code is also possible but you should have in mind that each morse character should be separated by a space.
$ ./bin/morse --encode Rafael Campos Nunes
Result: .-..-..-..-..-.. -.-..---.--.---... -...--.....
The encode function just separate words and not letters, so it should be a bit difficult to decode the message. On the other hand decoding information will give you a scrambled result, with each letter separated by a space character.
$ ./bin/morse --decode .-. .- ..-. .-
Result: r a f a