Terraform module to install FluxCD V2
Create ssh keypair and add and add to your git repo and keep it in a safe place.
export MY_CLUSTER="your-cluster-name"
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C $MY_CLUSTER -f identity
Import known hosts from your git provider GitHub
export MY_PROJECT_PATH="your/project/path"
ssh-keyscan -H github.com >> $MY_PROJECT_PATH/known_hosts
export MY_PROJECT_PATH="your/project/path"
ssh-keyscan -H gitlab.com >> $MY_PROJECT_PATH/known_hosts
export MY_PROJECT_PATH="your/project/path"
ssh-keyscan -H bitbucket.org >> $MY_PROJECT_PATH/known_hosts
Basic usage of the module as follows:
module "flux-install" {
source = "rafaelperoco/flux-install/flux"
version = "0.1.4"
target_path = var.target_path
flux_manifests = var.flux_manifests
gitrepository = var.gitrepository
gitrepo_url = var.gitrepo_url
gitbranch = var.gitbranch
interval = var.interval
identity_file = var.identity_file
identity_pub_file = var.identity_pub_file
known_hosts_file = var.known_hosts_file
target_path = "cluster"
flux_manifests = "cluster"
identity_file = "identity"
identity_pub_file = "identity.pub"
known_hosts_file = "known_hosts"
gitrepo_url = "ssh://git@github.com/your-username/my-cluster-with-flux.git"
gitrepository = "my-cluster-with-flux"
interval = "1m0s"
gitbranch = "main"
provider "kubernetes" {
config_path = "~/.kube/config"