For Login as a regular user: username: nowynowy password: nowynowy
The main assumption of the OrderlyAI web application is to follow trends in the developing AI sector. The number of products based on artificial intelligence is growing day by day, and tracking changing trends is very persistent and time-consuming. The tools in question can be divided into categories in which they offer services.
Application written using ReactJS with Redux, Chakra, TypeScript
For Login as a regular user:
- username: nowynowy
- password: nowynowy
bash git clone
npm install
npm start
Basic view for unregistered users. They can browse through categories and view all available products
Login and # form
Logged-in users gain additional functionalities, such as the ability to modify category names
We can export all the available categories and products as a JSON file
Once we have the exported file, or another file in the correct format, we can import it into the application to add new categories and display associated products
A logged-in admin has additional functionalities, such as the ability to delete a category along with all its associated products
From the admin panel, you can also manage all the application users, change their roles, or permanently delete them
If we are logged into the application and remain inactive for 5 minutes, the session will expire, and the system will automatically log us out. We will get notification 10sec before. Inactive means we will not triger any action on redux store.
We have the capability to generate the entire application using the OpenAI API by making a request to chatGPT. It will provide the output in JSON format with randomly generated categories and products, replacing our data with its generated content. However, this feature is currently disabled due to the high cost of API queries to OpenAI