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This is the repository for the 1-day python and data science training at DST4L in Copenhagen, on Friday 11th September, 2015.

The schedule for the training is:

  • 8am Installfest: Bring your laptops, we'll get you installed with Anaconda Python

  • 9-10.15 Introduction

    • WHY AM I DOING THIS? We'll explain how the skills you will learn today will complement what you have learned so far in the workshop, and what you will be able to do going forward.
    • Jupyter (Ipython) Notebooks. Accessing data with Python using Pandas and SQL. Simple Visualizations.
  • 10.15-10.30 coffee

  • 10.30-11.30 - A Dive into Python

    • Python and Numerical Python Basics
    • Scraping the web with requests and pyquery
  • 11.30-12.30 lunch

  • 12.45-2.00 Alice Thudt: Visualization: Available Tools, Use Cases, Examples

  • 2.00-3.15 - Analyzing Textual Data

    • text manipulation: extraction, frequency, vector model of documents, tf-idf
    • Classifying documents using Naive Bayes
  • 3.15-3.30 coffee

  • 3.30-4.30 - More Data Analysis and Visualization

    • topic analysis of documents to create data
    • data merges, with more complex, multi-dimensional visualization
  • 4.30-5.00+ Sharing and Publishing your work and notebooks with github.


The DST4L Copenhagen repo






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