Hey there!
So i made a framework for toast messages and here are some of the interesting things it does.
Templates for normal, banner, action and progress indicator toasts. (All easily tweak-able.)
Swipe to dismiss (comes with threshold for swipe which can be customized)
Timed and untimed toasts. (Timed toasts dismiss themselves after the duration)
Countdown timer which you can use for other things as well.
Pretty much everything in the toast is easily tweakable without much effort. :D
The files are all well documented.
Ok so'll i'll walk you through on how to use this bad boy... toast ! :s
Creating a default toast
- Use the class function 'getToast' from the class ToastProfiles.swift to get the instance of the toast.
let toast = ToastProfiles.getToast(titleStrings: ["<Title>"], type: .normal, view: view, target: nil, selector: nil)
Creating custom toast
- If you want minute changes to the default toast, just make them in the respective 'designConfig' or 'animationConfig' variables after you create a default toast. eg: You want the toast label to have a different color. All you need to do is change, before you call 'showToast' method.
let toast = ToastProfiles.getToast(titleStrings: ["Title"], type: .normal, view: view, target: nil, selector: nil) toast.designConfig.labelTextColor = .black // Desired color toast.showToast()
- However if you want a completely custom toast. Create the 'animationConfig' and 'designConfig' separately and use the custom initializer in ToastView.
let designConfig = ToastDesignConfig() // Set the variables to what you need. Check 'ToastDesignConfig.swift to find the possible customisations you can make designConfig.backgroundColor = .white . . . let animationConfig = ToastAnimationConfig() // Set the variables to what you need. Check ToastAnimationConfig.swift to find the possible customisations you can make animationConfig.entryDirection = .center . . . let toast = ToastView(view: nil, type: .custom, animationConfig: animationConfig, designConfig: designConfig) toast.showToast()
How to use the toast as a pod
Open terminal
Go to the parent folder (By parent folder i mean the folder that holds the .xcodeproj file)
Run 'pod init'. (This creates a pod file inside the parent folder)
Add "source 'https://github.com/rakeshashastri/Toast.git' to the beginning of the file.
Add "pod 'Toast'" inside the target. (There will be a comment which states where you have to add this line)
Note: Make sure you have use_frameworks! in your podfile for this pod to work.
Yep that's all you need to get this toast to work. :D