Youtube video on how to download the tdl and work
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The TDL Helps to Get Around 75 % of the Data in Tally to Excel in quick seconds in 3 Tables
Click to download the Connector from Here
This Tool will help to import Tally Data (Master Data and Transactional Data) to excel /Power BI/ Power Query.
Step 1 Download the File Named Connection.tcp and paste in any folder in your PC
Step 2 Connecting TDL Copy the Folder path and Load Any company in Tally and Navigate to F1 Help >> TDL's & Addons or Press Ctl + Alt + T in Gateway of Tally Menu
Then Press F4 and Paste the path and select the Connection.tcp File
Step 3 Enabling ODBC in Tally
Navigate to F1 Help >> Settings >> Connectivity and Press Enter
Then Set the Following Options
Tally prime act as : Both
Enable ODBC : Yes
Port : 9000 or any other port of your choice
Step 4 Running Tally in Administrator Mode
- After connecting the TDL file, Make sure You have Completed Step 1 to 3 as above Enabling ODBC RUN TALLY IN ADMINISTRATOR MODE IN WINDOWS
- Then Open Excel and Navigate to Data >> Get Data >> Other Sources >> Microsoft Query >> Then Click on TALLYODBC_9000 press OK in the Choose Data Source If you have any error in this step then please go through Steps 1 to 3 properly
Refer to the Following link if Microsoft query is not appearing
Step 5
Selecting the Table in the tally database
The following tables one by one
1. A_Sirc_Leder_Detailed_7_1 - Master Data 2. A_Sirc_Vourcher7_1 - Transaction Data
After Selecting press the > button to load all the fields or the selected field Then Click Next 3 times And finally Click Finish so that the data loaded in Excel
For Doubts in connecting to excel refer to the tally documentation
Tally Definition Language (TDL) is the development language of Tally Products. TDL is developed to provide the user with the flexibility and power to extend the default capabilities of Tally, and integrate them with the external applications. TDL provides a development platform for the user. The entire user interface of Tally.ERP 9 is built using TDL. TDL as a language, provides capabilities for Rapid Development, Rendering, Data Management, and Integration.
TDL Can Help Chartered Accountants in the following Ways
Ability to generate Custom reports from Tally
Real-Time integration with Excel / PowerBi / Tableau with the ODBC Access
Reduce the time to prepare Fianancial Statements from Tally.
Identify 269SS and 269T Transaction in Tally
Complete GST Audit in less than 30 Minutes from Tally.
Ledger Scrutiny With Advanced filters in Tally
Do ageing analysis from a partly Bill reference enabled enviornment.
Get All Transaction and Ledger Data in Excel (Even a Very Large Data) in few clicks
Get Critical Data Analysis for Tax audit Report
Analyse the Utilusation of Funds in a business enviornment.
There are many further Benifits being explored by the Author
For Doubts in connecting to excel refer to the tally documentation
SELECT $Key, $MasterId, $AlterID, $VoucherNumber, $Date, $VoucherTypeName, $Led_Lineno, $Type, $LedgerName, $Amount, $Led_Parent, $Led_Group, $Party_LedName, $Vch_GSTIN, $Led_GSTIN, $Party_GST_Type, $GST_Classification, $Narration, $EnteredBy, $LastEventinVoucher, $UpdatedDate, $UpdatedTime, $Nature_Led, $Led_MID, $CompanyName, $Year_from, $Year_to, $Company_number, $Path FROM A__DayBook
SELECT $Name, $_PrimaryGroup, $Parent, $OpeningBalance, $ClosingBalance, $_PrevYearBalance, $IsRevenue, $PartyGSTIN, $MasterId, $AlterID, $Nature_Led, $UpdatedDate, $UpdatedTime, $CreatedBy, $CreatedDate, $AlteredDate, $AlteredBy, $LastVoucherDate, $CompanyName, $Year_from, $Year_to, $Company_number, $Path FROM A__M_Ledger
Select $Name, $Createdby, $CreatedDate, $Masterid, $Alterid, $Alteredon, $Alteredby, $Updateddatetime, $LastVoucherDate, $Parent,
This concept was built using Natural Language in Tally
Suggest us for more such prompts Here
Without mentioning Group Name
- Create Ledger Kavilan
- Create Ledger ICAI
With Group Name
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*With Opening Balance
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