GetSkilledOnline is a fully functional ed-tech platform that enables users to create, consume, and rate educational content. The platform is built using the MERN stack, which includes ReactJS, NodeJS, MongoDB, and ExpressJS. GetSkilledOnline aims to provide:
- A seamless and interactive learning experience for students, making education more accessible and engaging.
- A platform for instructors to showcase their expertise and connect with learners across the globe.
The platform follows a client-server architecture with three main components:
- Front End: ReactJS for dynamic, responsive user interfaces.
- Back End: NodeJS and ExpressJS for APIs handling user authentication, course management, and content processing.
- Database: MongoDB for flexible and scalable data storage.
For Students:
- Homepage: Introduction and links to courses.
- Course List: List of available courses with descriptions and ratings.
- Wishlist: Display of wishlist courses.
- Cart Checkout: Course purchase completion.
- Course Content: Course materials including videos.
- User Details: Student account details.
- User Edit Details: Edit account details.
For Instructors:
- Dashboard: Overview of courses, ratings, and feedback.
- Insights: Course metrics and analytics.
- Course Management: Create, update, delete courses, manage content and #.
- View and Edit Profile Details: Edit account details.
Frameworks and Tools:
- ReactJS, CSS, Tailwind, Redux.
- User Authentication: Email/password sign-up, login, OTP verification, password reset.
- Course Management: CRUD operations for courses and content management.
- Payment Integration: Razorpay for handling payments.
- Cloud Media Management: Cloudinary for media storage.
- Markdown Formatting: For course content.
- Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, JWT, Bcrypt, Mongoose.
- Backend hosted on onrender
- Frontend hosted on vercel
GetSkilledOnline provides an immersive learning experience for students and a platform for instructors to showcase their expertise, supported by a robust and scalable technical infrastructure.