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Lucas Nothnagel edited this page Dec 30, 2022 · 3 revisions

A collection represents a group of objects. Each object in the collection is of a specific, defined type.

Generic Collection

This is a direct implementation of CollectionInterface, provided for the sake of convenience.

$collection = new \Ramsey\Collection\Collection('My\\Foo');
$collection->add(new \My\Foo());
$collection->add(new \My\Foo());

foreach ($collection as $foo) {
    // Do something with $foo

Typed Collection

It is preferable to subclass AbstractCollection to create your own typed collections. For example:

namespace My\Foo;

class FooCollection extends \Ramsey\Collection\AbstractCollection
    public function getType(): string
        return 'My\\Foo';

And then use it similarly to the earlier example:

$fooCollection = new \My\Foo\FooCollection();
$fooCollection->add(new \My\Foo());
$fooCollection->add(new \My\Foo());

foreach ($fooCollection as $foo) {
    // Do something with $foo

One benefit of this approach is that you may do type-checking and type-hinting on the collection object.

if ($collection instanceof \My\Foo\FooCollection) {
    // the collection is a collection of My\Foo objects

Instantiating from an array of objects

In addition to add, you can also create a Typed Collection from an array of objects.

$foos = [
  new \My\Foo(),
  new \My\Foo()

$fooCollection = new \My\Foo\FooCollection($foos);

Typed collection with generics support

Additionally, you can define the type your collection contains via generics annotations:

namespace My\Foo;

 * @extends \Ramsey\Collection\AbstractCollection<My\Foo>
 * @implements \IteratorAggregate<My\Foo>
class FooCollection extends \Ramsey\Collection\AbstractCollection
    public function getType(): string
        return 'My\\Foo';

The @extends annotation allows tools like PhpStorm or PHPStan to understand which type your collection contains, and therefore allows for better static code analysis and code completion.

Due to some bug in PhpStorm currently it is also required to add the @implements annotation to allow type support for e.g. foreach loops. See