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v. 1.6.0 (#466)
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history

* Partial replacement of "scihub" server with "gcloud"

* Update documentation

* WIP deprecate functions related to ESA SciHub

* WIP deprecate functions related to ESA SciHub

* Update documentation

* Changes for CRAN checks

* Update cran-comments

* Update news
  • Loading branch information
ranghetti authored Nov 10, 2023
1 parent 9da4ebb commit 2114327
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Showing 118 changed files with 674 additions and 2,449 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion DESCRIPTION
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Package: sen2r
Type: Package
Title: Find, Download and Process Sentinel-2 Data
Version: 1.6.0
Authors@R: c(person("Luigi", "Ranghetti",
email = "",
role = c("aut", "cre"),
Expand Down
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,18 @@
# Version 1.6.0

## Major changes
- Remove the possibility to search/download SAFE archives from ESA SciHub due
to its discontinuation.
- Set `"gcloud"` as the default SAFE server.
- Begin voiding some functions related to ESA SciHub: `s2_order()`,
`safe_is_online()`, `*_scihub_login()`,
`"scihub"` methods in `s2_list()` and `s2_download()`.

## Documentation
- _Partially_ updating the documentation to reflect the above changes.
- Remove old system requirements (#463).
- Remove old references to {rgdal}.

# Version 1.5.5

## Minor changes
Expand Down
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions R/check_param_list.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -154,6 +154,14 @@ check_param_list <- function(pm, type = "string", check_paths = FALSE, correct =

# -- server --
if ("scihub" %in% pm$server) {
type = type,
"Parameter \"server\" = 'scihub' is deprecated; currently, only 'gcloud' ",
"can be used (setting to the default)."
pm$server <- pm_def$server
if (all(!pm$server %in% c("scihub", "gcloud"))) {
type = type,
Expand Down
16 changes: 4 additions & 12 deletions R/s2_download.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -43,25 +43,17 @@
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' single_s2 <- paste0("",
#' "Products(\'c7142722-42bf-4f93-b8c5-59fd1792c430\')/$value")
#' names(single_s2) <- "S2A_MSIL1C_20170613T101031_N0205_R022_T32TQQ_20170613T101608.SAFE"
#' single_s2 <- paste0("gs://gcp-public-data-sentinel-2/L2/tiles/32/T/NR/",
#' "S2B_MSIL2A_20200804T101559_N0214_R065_T32TNR_20200804T145113.SAFE/")
#' names(single_s2) <- "S2B_MSIL2A_20200804T101559_N0214_R065_T32TNR_20200804T145113.SAFE"
#' # (this is equivalent to:
#' # single_s2 <- example_s2_list[1]
#' # where example_s2_list is the output of the example of the
#' # s2_list() function)
#' # Download the whole product
#' s2_download(single_s2, outdir=tempdir())
#' #' # Download the whole product - using aria2
#' s2_download(single_s2, outdir=tempdir(), downloader = "aria2")
#' # Download more products, ordering the ones stored in the Long Term Archive
#' pos <- sf::st_sfc(sf::st_point(c(-57.8815,-51.6954)), crs = 4326)
#' time_window <- as.Date(c("2018-02-21", "2018-03-20"))
#' list_safe <- s2_list(spatial_extent = pos, time_interval = time_window)
#' s2_download(list_safe, outdir=tempdir())
#' }

s2_download <- function(
Expand Down
238 changes: 4 additions & 234 deletions R/s2_download_scihub.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,238 +1,8 @@
.s2_download_scihub <- function(
s2_prodlist, s2_meta, outdir, apihub, service, downloader, abort, overwrite
) {

# to avoid NOTE on check
i <- mission <- level <- sensing_datetime <-
id_orbit <- id_tile <- footprint <- NULL

# Check connection
if (!check_scihub_connection()) {
type = "error",
"Impossible to reach the SciHub server ",
"(internet connection or SciHub may be down)."

# read credentials
if (length(s2_prodlist) > 0) {
creds <- read_scihub_login(apihub)

# check the used service
if (!service %in% c("apihub", "dhus", NA)) {
type = "error",
"Argument 'service' can be only \"apihub\" or \"dhus\"; ",
"leaving the input URLs as are."
} else if (! {
s2_prodlist <- gsub(

i = seq_along(s2_prodlist),
.combine = c
) %do% {

link <- s2_prodlist[i]
zip_path <- file.path(outdir, paste0(names(s2_prodlist[i]),".zip"))
safe_path <- gsub("\\.zip$", "", zip_path)

# if footprint exists, check if existing SAFEs are actually equivalent
if (!is.null(s2_meta$footprint)) {
# regular expression to detect if equivalent products already exist
safe_regex <- s2_meta[i,paste0(
safe_existing <- list.files(dirname(zip_path), safe_regex, full.names = TRUE)
safe_existing <- safe_existing[safe_isvalid(safe_existing)]
# check centroids
safe_existing_footprints <- safe_getMetadata(safe_existing, "footprint")
safe_existing <- try({
safe_existing_centroids <- st_transform(
st_centroid(st_transform(st_as_sfc(safe_existing_footprints, crs = 4326), 3857)),
safe_centroid <- st_transform(
st_centroid(st_transform(st_as_sfc(s2_meta[i,footprint], crs = 4326), 3857)),
# remove SAFE with the same (approximatively) centroid
apply(round(st_coordinates(safe_existing_centroids), 2), 1, paste, collapse = " ") ==
apply(round(st_coordinates(safe_centroid), 2), 1, paste, collapse = " ")
}, silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(safe_existing, "try-error")) {safe_existing <- character()}
} else {
# if footprints are not available, avoid checking
safe_existing <- safe_path[dir.exists(safe_path)]

if (any(overwrite == TRUE, length(safe_existing) == 0)) {

type = "message",
date = TRUE,
"Downloading Sentinel-2 image ", i,
" of ",length(s2_prodlist)," (",basename(safe_path),")..."

if (downloader %in% c("builtin", "wget")) { # wget left for compatibility

out_bar <- if (all(inherits(stdout(), "terminal"), interactive())) {
} else {
file(out_bar_path <- tempfile(), open = "a")

times_429 <- 10 # if 429 "too many requests", retry up to 10 times
while (times_429 > 0) {
download <- RETRY(
verb = "GET",
url = as.character(link),
config = authenticate(creds[1,1], creds[1,2]),
times = 5, pause_cap = 8,
progress(con = if (length(out_bar) > 0) {out_bar} else {stdout()}),
write_disk(zip_path, overwrite = TRUE)
times_429 <-if (download$status_code != 429) {0} else {times_429 - 1}

if (length(out_bar) > 0) {
} else if (grepl("^aria2c?$", downloader)) {

binpaths <- load_binpaths("aria2")
if (["sysname"] != "Windows") {
link_aria <- gsub("/\\$value", "/\\\\$value", link)
} else {
link_aria <- link
aria_string <- paste0(
binpaths$aria2c, " -x 2 --check-certificate=false -d ",
" -o ", basename(zip_path),
" ", "\"", as.character(link_aria), "\"",
" --allow-overwrite --file-allocation=none --retry-wait=2",
" --http-user=", "\"", creds[1,1], "\"",
" --http-passwd=", "\"", creds[1,2], "\"",
" --max-tries=10"
download <- try({
system(aria_string, intern =["sysname"] == "Windows")


# check if the user asked to download a LTA product
download_is_lta <- if (inherits(download, "response")) {
download$status_code == 202
} else if (inherits(download, "integer")) {
download == 22
} else FALSE
if (download_is_lta) {

if (inherits(download, "try-error")) {
type = ifelse(abort == TRUE, "error", "warning"),
"Download of file", link, "failed more than 10 times ",
"(internet connection or SciHub may be down)."
safe_newname <- character(0)
} else {
# check md5
check_md5 <- tryCatch({
sel_md5 <- RETRY(
verb = "GET",
url = gsub("\\$value$", "Checksum/Value/$value", as.character(link)),
config = authenticate(creds[1,1], creds[1,2]),
write_disk(md5file <- tempfile(), overwrite = TRUE)
md5 <- toupper(readLines(md5file, warn = FALSE)) ==
}, error = function(e) {logical(0)})
if (any(!check_md5 %in% c(TRUE, FALSE), length(check_md5) == 0)) {
type = "warning",
"File ", names(link), " cannot be checked",
if (!requireNamespace("tools", quietly = TRUE)) {
"(package \"tools\" needs to be installed)"
". Please verify if the download was successful."
} else if (!check_md5) {
type = ifelse(abort == TRUE, "error", "warning"),
"Download of file ", names(link), " was incomplete (Md5sum check failed). ",
"Please retry to launch the download."
safe_newname <- character(0)
# remove existing SAFE
if (dir.exists(safe_path)) {
unlink(safe_path, recursive = TRUE)
# update SAFE name (possible different processing date)
zip_content <- try(unzip(zip_path, list = TRUE), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(zip_content, "try-error")) {
type = ifelse(abort == TRUE, "error", "warning"),
"File ", names(link), " cannot be unzipped. ",
"Please retry later to launch the download."
safe_newname <- character(0)
} else {
safe_newname <- setNames(
unique(gsub("(^[^\\/]+)\\/.*$", "\\1", zip_content$Name))
# unzip
unzip(zip_path, exdir = dirname(zip_path))

} else {

type = "message",
date = TRUE,
"Skipping Sentinel-2 image ", i,
" of ",length(s2_prodlist)," ",
"since the corresponding folder already exists."

# safe_existing_meta <- safe_getMetadata(safe_existing, info = "nameinfo")
# safe_newname <- safe_existing_meta$name[
# order(nn(safe_existing_meta$creation_datetime), decreasing = TRUE)[1]
# ]
safe_newname <- setNames(link, basename(safe_path))


# return to foreach
as(safe_newname, "safelist")

type = "error",
"The SciHub server can no longer be accessed."

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