IMPORTANT: Ensure the presence of a .gitignore
in this repo ignoring .gitconfig.local
and .gitcookies
(stored in 1Password), which contain the default email, GitHub username, token, etc.
- Install essential Apps like Xcode, Homebrew, and visual-studio-code (see Notion / Software).
> mkdir -p ~/Code/GitHub/raphaelschaad && cd $_
> git clone
- Copy files
stored in 1Password into locally cloneddotfiles/
folder each with a dot prefix. > ln -s $(pwd)/dotfiles/{.profile,.gitconfig,.gitignore_global_macos,.gitconfig.local,.gitcookies} ~
- When using Zsh,
> ln -s ~/.profile ~/.zshrc
. - Restart
> cd ~/Code/GitHub/raphaelschaad/dotfiles/
> ln -s $(pwd)/vscode-settings.json ~/Library/Application\ Support/Code/User/settings.json
for User Preferences (easily accessible with ⌘,
from within VS Code)
> ln -s $(pwd)/vscode-keybindings.json ~/Library/Application\ Support/Code/User/keybindings.json
for User Keyboard Shortcuts (easily accessible with [⌘K ⌘S]
from within VS Code)
Replace ~/Library/Preferences/com.mizage.Divvy.plist
with backed-up file to get single-letter non-global keyboard shortcuts working under macOS version 12+ Monterey.
When linking (hard or soft) ~/Library/Spelling/LocalDictionary
to cloud folder, the links eventually get overwritten. Instead, manually copy/sync/merge (> opendiff file1 file2
) the file periodically.
- File > Open… (
) > Sync.kmz - My Places > right click > Delete Contents
- Drag folder "Sync" to My Places
- Temporary Places > right click > Delete Contents