A HTTP client that constructs an HTTP request based on user’s command line input, sends the request to a Web server, receives the reply from the server, and displays the reply message on screen. You should support only IPv4 connections.
#The purpose of this project is two-fold:
- give students hand-on experience with socket programming, and
- help students better understand application-level protocols by implementing a well-known protocol HTTP. In this programming assignment you will write HTTP client. Students are not required to implement the full HTTP specification, but only a very limited subset of it.
##Compile the client: gcc –o client client.c client is the executable file.
##Test the client: You can use the client to connect to any HTTP server
##How work the client Command line usage: client [–h] [–d ] . The flags and the url can come at any order, the only limitation is that the time interval should come right after the flag –d. The client takes two options "-h" and "-d" and a required argument . specifies the URL of the object that the client is requesting from server. The URL format is http://hostname[:port]/filepath. Option "-h" specifies that the client only wants the response headers to be sent back from server. You should use HEAD method in your HTTP request when "-h" is specified in the command line. Option "-d" along with its argument specify that the client wants the object only if it was modified in the past . is in the format "day:hour:minute" For example, if "-d 1:2:15" is included in the command line, then the client wants to get the object only if it was modified in the past 1 day, 2 hours and 15 minutes. When -d option is specified, the client should include an "If-Modified-Since:" header in the HTTP request and the value of this header is computed using the current time and the argument. In order to construct the time format for the ' If- Modified-Since ' header.
##the flow of the app:
- Parse the given in the command line.
- Connect to the server
- Construct an HTTP request based on the options specified in the command line
- Send the HTTP request to server
- Receive an HTTP response
- Display the response on the screen.