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Command Line Interface

Paul Deardorff edited this page Sep 15, 2015 · 2 revisions
$ sonar help 

  sonar config                            # Sonar config file location
  sonar help [COMMAND]                    # Describe available commands or one specific command
  sonar profile                           # Display the current profile from sonar.rc
  sonar search [QUERY TYPE] [QUERY TERM]  # Search anything from Sonars
  sonar types                             # List all Sonar query types
  sonar usage                             # Display API usage for current user

  -P, [--profile=FILE]   # Path to Sonar RC file
                         # Default: /home/paul/sonar.rc
      [--format=FORMAT]  # Flat JSON, JSON lines, or pretty printed [flat/lines/pretty]

--exact (bool flag search for the query string exactly, do not including partial string matches)
--record_limit (Maximum number of records to fetch)
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